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So, I've been itching to do original work for some time now, and I've been chipping at this particular project on my downtime. I don't have all the details completely sorted out yet, but just know that this will probably be a visual novel that I'll be working on (mostly) solo, and I don't really have a set time on when it will be released. 

Honestly, the original idea for this was pretty simple--you play as a healer who tends to two very strong magic users, and of course, you can choose to romance either of them. JRPG fantasy flavored because that's what I like, lol. Anyway, it's kinda carving out into something with some slightly darker substance, and maybe I'll elaborate on it on a later date. 

If you're curious about anything from this project, please let me know! I'm still weirdly shy about sharing original stuff, but I hope I can be more open about them.




This concept sound so intriguing! And the characters look so cool I’d love to hear more about this or other original ideas you have


I love them


Their designs are so 😳 yommi… If you plan to post more updates in the future, I’d loveee to see !


Looks great pal


this looks so cool! love the clothing designs especially


oh wow this sounds really cool!! also with that little synopsis, the first question that comes to mind is 'but can i romance BOTH AT THE SAME TIME?'


Oooh, I love their designs :o I'd absolutely love to play this, looking forward to it!


I love this! Excited to see this progress c: