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Hi all!

I'm back for this month after my sudden pause in September. I've had some family stuff going on that stretched my mental health too thin, as well as some problems with my shoulder and arm. So I needed to take a step back, take care of that garbage, and get myself back into working order. I am still in the process of recovering and in the meantime, I do have to help out my mom and bro with relocate away from an abusive living situation, but I should be able to manage updates this month. I don't usually ask for this kind of thing, but wish me luck--this garbage with my extended family has been the biggest pain in my ass for most of this year. I'm hoping it will be finally resolved so I can have my brain set on Boobs Only mode for the rest of the year.

That aside, a lot of things were pushed back, and I apologize for that. I'll be attending to any outstanding messages and orders on my shop over the weekend and into next week. If you have not done so already, please message me if there's anything you need, and I'll do my best to help. Shop will also be updated in the latter half of this month with some of the newer merch I've made, along with October merch club goods. 

Lastly, I'll be posting up SFW and NSFW August requests from now and over the course of this weekend, October request threads will follow this post, and I'll try to get through more requests this month to make up for the lack of updates.

Anyway, I'm relieved that a number of things are settling down on my end, and I hope y'all have been doing okay, too. I'm hanging in there, and I'll do my best to catch up with as much as I can.



Thanks for the update, I wish you the best of luck in helping your folks!

Karel P Kerezman

Good luck! Gotta take care of the important stuff first, totally understood.

Michael Audette

Take care of yourself Sai! Hope things turn for the best soon!


Good luck, take all the time you need!