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finally have a breather to draw more! had to take some time off to care for one of my cats who got sick recently...but all is well now! and i can think about boobs in peace lmao

promise this'll get sexy later for this month's nsfw set. for now they're chilling at the beach, cuz summer time is beach time! 😎



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-06 23:03:22 You're too good for us <3<3
2021-06-12 04:01:58 You're too good for us <3<3

You're too good for us <3<3


I hope your cat is better now. I love your 'mundane' drawings btw. Can't get enough of loving gestures in situations that aren't battles or sex scenes (although those are great too). Thank you for providing this content :D