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Hello, everyone! I hope everyone is doing well the past month!

Moving forward into December, here is what to expect:

Removing Merch Club Tiers!

I will be removing the Merch Club tiers on Patreon, as they're more of a headache to manage than helpful. To briefly cover the situation, I have a good number of patrons under the Merch Club tier, and with how poorly Patreon manages patron info on the Creator side of things, it hasn't been feasible for me to properly upkeep it as a one-person operation (at least for me, personally).

I have decided that I will be using the Patron Shop for any future Merch Club listings. This will allow me to more easily keep track of everyone's outgoing merch, as well as have the most up-to-date information for patrons. It might seem like a pain in the ass to continuously make an order for each month's, but I also wanted to give the option to patrons to easily opt in/out of any merch they want for the month.

Price-wise, it will essentially be the same--while the shop can be shared publicly, I will be providing a patron-only code so that patrons can purchase at the usual Merch Tier price of $10 for those in the US and $15 for those overseas. The shop will be adjusted for this, and once it's updated, I will post the shop link!

So, if you're currently in a Merch Club tier, please switch to either the $2 tier or the $5 NSFW tier prior to December!
I will be keeping the $2 and $5 tiers and basically use my Patreon as a tip jar at this point.

Missing Rewards Status!

I have been fulfilling any missing rewards so far for the past month, and I've had to do so slowly because I've had a lot of missing information and needed to confirm that info with patrons that are affected by this issue. The Missing Rewards form that I put out a few times has been sifted through, and most of them have been mailed out (for some, I'm still waiting on reprints of stickers from May).

That said, most US patrons should be receiving September and October rewards soon, and I'll be wrapping up International patrons by the end of this month.

Please feel free to contact me through here, or preferably DM through Twitter or Instagram (@radiostarkiller).

Doujin Preview!

Starting December, I will be posting the first 30 pages of my Edeleth fanbook. In total there's ~50 pages, so it's a pretty hefty preview. For those of you who are interested in purchasing a physical copy of my fanbook, please note that it is NSFW! The product will be listed in shop on December 1st-December 15th. Tentatively slating for books to be mailed out late January/early February!

I will have image previews of the goods when we hit December, but here's a price list and list of extras that come with the physical books:

Digital PDF - $8
(Released after physical copies are mailed, most likely late January/early February)
Physical Book - $15
(Comes with Postcard)
Physical Book Bundle - $35
(Comes with two Postcards, Sticker Sheet, Acrylic Standee)

Books will also come with a couple of QR codes--one for a text document for any non-English speakers who want to copy-paste into a translator, and the other is for
a trans!Byleth rendition of the second story in the book. I'm really looking forward to sharing this project with all of you!

Hello New Patrons!

Hello, if you're new here! You might have noticed Patreon may have charged you for the past month, but November was a break month for me. I will be processing refunds if Patreon charged you, but if there's any other issues, please feel free to contact me through here or DM through Twitter or Instagram (@radiostarkiller).

That's it for now! I think after all the USPS mailing hell and how much this pandemic has been affecting me mentally, I appreciate everyone's patience. I'll get the ball rolling again next month!



Mmmm I don't quite understand. Would patrons be paying the $10/$15 on top of their patreon tier or is the new merch club shop gonna charge you the difference ($5-$8/$10-$13)? Either way I'm sooooo excited to pick up the book! I'll be moving in January though so will we be able to give you an address change after ordering? :o


Hopefully things run more smoother for you sai! Also will the book’s physical bundle be limited stock?


Changed pledge back down to $5 as requested. Looking forward to the doujin and being able to browse the merch shop soon! Hopefully these changes lighten the workload of keeping track of shipping information manually 👍


Should we have received a message about missing months prior to them being sent out, or should we just wait for them to arrive?


Hi there! I am setting up the merch club so it's charging the difference. So basically you pay $2-$5 on Patreon, and if you want to pick up any merch, it should add up to $10/$15 for domestic/international patrons altogether. As for address change, if you know the address you're moving to, you can input that new address for the order, and we'll get the goods home! Otherwise, you're free to message the new address when you can.


US merch club goods should have all been shipped out, but I'll double-check on my end for ya in case I missed you!