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hi everyone, it's july!  june was unfortunately a pretty rough month for me, so i apologize for the lack of updates. i've been extremely thirsty to draw after getting through some obstacles, so i will be ramping up the updates this month.

request threads!

as per usual, i'll be putting up sfw and nsfw request threads for this month, but i do plan on drawing out a few requests from last month as well. (nudges everyone for nsfw suggestions

i do want to encourage that i am open to drawing things other than fe3h--it's not that i'm falling off that wagon, it's moreso that drawing from different things do keep me fresh! but if i do get fe3h requests, that's also totally fine, lol.

merch club!

merch club orders for june are being packed and sent out today and tomorrow! if you have any missing rewards from the past few months, please don't hesitate to contact me and we'll get that sorted out.

i will also be holding a poll for another alt reward for this month as well. for those who requested an alt reward in june, i will be messaging about payment/shipment.

online shop + online artist alley things!

i will be officially re-opening my online shop on july 15th with pre-orders for merch. however, if you were interested in some of my older merch at all, i will be holding a limited sale from july 4-5 during an online convention, kurotsukicon. i will be offering discount code for patrons, and will update here when that happens. along with that, i will also be draw streaming that weekend!

taking a break in august!

i have decided that i want to pause my patreon in august. i want to restructure how i do some things, as well as get some good things in queue for you guys--i will be completing my edeleth fanbook within this month, as well as start on some original content (don't worry! there are lesbians.)

anyway, that's it for july's overview! thanks again for all your support, and please stay safe/hang in there!


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