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Soon, I will make my return onto Patreon! But first a few changes to note:

Merch Club is going to be separated into US and International patrons! The reason for this is because shipping internationally is still kind of a bitch in terms of pricing. I will unfortunately have to ask international folks to bump their pledge to the new tier, and if that's steep for you, I'll understand!

However, if you are in the international merch club, feel free to ask about combining rewards into one shipment. Additionally, if any merch club peeps want to combine their rewards with online shop orders just shoot a message on Patreon! I will also be introducing online shop coupons with this tier, and these will vary monthly/depending on pre-order periods for merch I make!

I've had one message about charges being made in January. Please message me if this has been an issue for you--there should have not been any charges for my vacation month! Another problem that's occurred is merch club rewards not arriving to their destination, and again, I urge you to message me if you have yet to receive them. I'm open to getting refunds sent over for any of these situations!

Aside from that, now that I've settled from vacation and am getting back into the groove with class this semester, I'm excited to share new work for the upcoming month! Thanks again for your patience and support, y'all.


Alyssa Harder

I'm looking forward to having you back!!!