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sorry for running late on these, but november merch is complete!! 

since i‘m running late with patreon things/waiting on stickers getting printed, i have decided i will ship both november and december merch club items together. 

moving forward to december merch, i have decided to do a sticker sheet! obviously this sheet will be holiday/winter themed, and i wanted to draw out more than just edeleth—so let me know your fave fe3h ships for the sticker sheet!

anyway, finals are coming to slaughter me, i have a bunch of online orders from my shop to still pack, and im trying to work through some personal negative funks, so please bear with me in this trying time! ya bitch tryna pull thru so i can draw The Good Content again 😤




HildaMari 🥺


I think Edeleth, Doropetra, Cathmir, HildaMari, are the big ones, but draw whateeeeever you want, my friend. I hope things look up for you, I know first-hand how rough the holidays can be when some bad stuff happens. Take care of yourself, and I hope you feel better soon!


So lovely, I can't wait! My vote goes to HildaMari and DoroPetra.


Definitely DoroGrid and HildaMari!


Some HildaMari and DoroPetra would never hurt! And good luck on your finals!


Edelthea/Dorogard would be especially fun to see, but Cathmir and Doropetra are always nice! Wishing you good luck on your finals and in dealing with all your funks!


So soft and cozy ❤ Take care of yourself!!!


HildaMari pleaseeeeeee ♥️


I'd love to see some Cathmir!


Cathmir! And... is... Rhealeth allowed here? Cause I'd love to see some. =X


Edeleth and doropetra would be awesome! Good luck on your finals!


no rush on anything for real!! would you consider bernigard at all?


Other than Edeleth, I really love DoroPetra and HildaMari :)


Other than the obvious Edeleth, I like HildaMari, Lysithea/Annette (not sure on their ship name), and DoroGrid :)


aside from edeleth, i'd love to see doropetra, dorogrid, hildamari, or ferdibert if allowed. hope finals go well and you feel better soon!

Grace Prendergast

hildamari is my fave :) and good luck with finals!