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Hey everyone! I'm officially done with cons for the year, so now I can finally draw more in peace, especially with Thanksgiving and Winter breaks coming up very soon. Just a few points from where I last left off, and moving forward:

The old $8 merch tier has finally been deleted! 

If anyone is having any complications/issues with this, please message me/DM me on twitter. Thanks everyone for your cooperation on changing to the $10 tier, I know it was kind of annoying.;;

Suggestion posts for sfw/nsfw this month will be following shortly! 

I'm still working on October requests as well, but I don't want to delay November requests! I like having a buffet of ideas to work off of, and I appreciate everyone's patience with this. Will get back to streaming regularly, too!

I will pause Patreon for the month of January!

I'll be visiting Japan for vacation at that time (I haven't taken a proper vacation in like 15 years LMAO), and I don't want you guys to shell out cash when I'm not producing anything! Expect a packed February update, 'cause knowing me, I'll still be drawing on vacation.

I have some merch club shipment options!

If any of you in the merch club would rather combine all your merch rewards into fewer shipments (i.e. send out  3 month's worth of rewards every 3 months), I can do that for you. Just shoot a message my way, and we can sort those things out!

That should be all for now! Again, thanks so much for being patient with me through the lack of updates, and I'll be back on my bullshit in the coming week. And if anyone who ordered anything through my online store is curious, I will be shipping those out this week and the next week!


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