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sometimes you just want to play with character design ideas lol

but i noticed a number of artists who don’t really like f!byleth’s design just tend to slap her in m!byleth’s outfit without really personalizing it for her. so i made it a little design exercise to play with a few of either different design elements while still attempting to keep some of f!byleth’s design elements.

i want to make a finalized alt design for her, but let me know which parts of which designs you like! idk i like doing this kind of thing for fun. sidenote, f!byleth’s design did grow on me, i just like to think she’s not exactly fashion-minded lmao

edit: thanks everyone for your input! a lot of you seemed to like the 1st and 3rd designs, so look forward to another iteration later!




They're all good! I think I like the one on the right best!


These are all so cool! I really dig byleth having more substantial armor then what she got, even though some of the elements of her original design. Out of all these, I like the third design best since she takes some elements from Jeralt's armor but it's still very personalized.


For practicality: First picture's top combined with third picture's bottom. For Edelgard's pleasure, middle one :D All hail the tiddy window!


Rightmost is definitely my fav here. I also really love Byleth's (canon) tights, mostly because I went halfway through the game thinking they were tattoos ^^;


These are all wonderful. I like the third design the most, followed closely by the first. The hints of Jeralt influences are great.


I agree with most everyone up here, rightmost design is also my favorite. It's a good mix of practical armor and fbyleth's original design cues. The tights grew on me after playing all the routes with her ngl, and I also like mbyleth's pauldrons glad we can agree on that lol. And I really like the gambeson design you came up with: it matches her dad's outfit, it's long and flowy (and will flutter around when she zooms through the monastery instead of the cape-jacket), and still shows her tights off which is just A+.


I LOVE the third one overall, and a lot of elements of the first one, especially those sleeves. Second one I like for....indulgent reasons. 💦💦


I love all of these, but the third on the far right is my favorite as well though the first is also really cool. Her design grew on me a little more since first seeing it though as well.


the lesbian in me says 2....


I think the third one is definitely my favorite! Her own design plus some Jeralt thrown in is really cool.


Lace tights are what I always associate f!Byleth with; I love the longer cape and the lining under the armor gloves from the first. The longer open sleeves, the moved medallion on the third and the gambeson look good too.