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Doctor Who 2023 Special 3: “The Giggle” FULL REACTION

  • Masterpiece 😍(9-10) 1
  • Loved It 🥰(7-8) 6
  • Liked It 😄(5-6) 0
  • Just Ok 😩(3-4) 1
  • Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2) 1
  • 2023-12-11
  • 9 votes
{'title': 'Doctor Who 2023 Special 3: “The Giggle” FULL REACTION ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Masterpiece 😍(9-10)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Loved It 🥰(7-8)', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Liked It 😄(5-6)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Just Ok 😩(3-4)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2)', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 11, 2, 34, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 9}


It was ge-awesome, ja!

Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/43ij8x

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZYe6Dbkq4bgeodIp6bQkeJ2tOjcX7pFF/view?usp=drivesdk



Man! I'm a mess! What a trip these three specials were, especially these last two! They really let loose with all of them. I really enjoyed your reaction to this. So much to process and think about. I enjoyed all three specials. This one was really great for the most part. The commentary on social media discourse, people having the tendency in wanting to be in the right and the way television and internet media normalises this kind of mindset and hatred. The message is direct and still effective with the way they presented it in this episode with the public going crazy and the media personalities speaking out. It becomes even more effective with the way The Toymaker influences these events with his over the top theatrics and the toy puppetry setting in Soho which makes him a real threat as displayed when entering his domain and playing his simple games. I really like the new UNIT headquarters tower too. It has a very marvel feel to it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought Kate was going to slap The Doctor. I'm glad we were wrong though as Kate giving The Doctor a meaningful hug was a nice subversion in that scene. Speaking of Kate, that scene with her taking off the Zeedex and letting loose was gold! It was funny when you mentioned Shirley standing and walking minutes before Kate addressed it herself once she went crazy. Back when The Star Beast aired two weeks ago, some people online noticed Shirley crossing her legs which made them go wild with anger (most likely as they are unaware of the different degrees of disability) which makes this scene funnier in hindsight because it's as if RTD knew that people would react the way that Kate did. I was also wondering this at the end of Star Beast when Donna told the Doctor that Rose can't act. I thought it wasn't intentional but now I'm wondering if RTD knew lmao. Seeing Mel reunite with The Doctor was great. You actually met Mel before but very briefly in Jodie Whittaker's last episode where she made a brief cameo in The Power of The Doctor episode with the companion support group scene which had her, Ian, Jo, Tegan, Ace, Yaz, Graham and Dan sitting down together at the end, just before 13 regenerated. She never got to meet 13 and neither did Ian or Jo but it's nice that Mel got to meet 14 and 15 here. I'm still going through Classic Who myself as I've been watching it for years but I haven't met Mel yet either. I'm looking forward to eventually meeting her though. I've only just started The Sixth Doctor's era recently. I suppose it's a nice tradition for us modern viewers to meet Classic companions through New Who. We did that with Sarah Jane in School Reunion and then Ace and Tegan in Power of The Doctor and now we're doing it with Mel here which is nice. It's nice that Kate recruited her and even Donna. The reaction that Donna had to getting a job with UNIT was great. This is probably the most interesting that Kate has been for a long time. Donna solving part of the situation out with the recorder musical notes was nice. And I like how they utilised her work as a temp here. I think the reason why The Doctor called her the best person on a keyboard is because of her experience in temp work where she became a fast typer with good admin knowledge. Obviously this amplified when she became "The DoctorDonna" but even before then, she was always good in that work field. It's cool to see The Toymaker return to Doctor Who after so many years. He only appeared once in The First Doctor's era in Season 3 (which you haven't reached yet) but that story is mostly missing with only 1 episode (the last episode of that story being intact) while the remaining three episodes are missing but they recently confirmed an animation release for that story and it will make use of the original audio recordings of the story, due to be released sometime in 2024. When I was watching The First Doctor's era in Classic Who years ago, I forced myself to listen to the audio reconstructions of first three episodes and then watched the last episode of that story so I don't remember much of the story other than the last part where The Doctor manages to beat The Toymaker and escape although he told his companions that he would face the Toymaker again in other times due to his immortality and now here we are witnessing them face each other again. That would probably be big for any old fans who have waited 57 years for this. Neil Patrick Harris played the role really well in this episode. He had the right amount of cadence and energy, bad accents and all. Although I think that was intentional given that RTD has confirmed that the Toymaker has a deliberate racist aspect hence why he does the accents and the beginning scene where he insulted Charles in the Soho shop. I'm predicting that when the animation of the original 1966 story comes out next year, they'll most likely edit some of the offensive bits out. The Doctor's reaction in the soho shop when he realised that it was The Toymaker was so good. Him telling Donna to go back to the Tardis and her reaction really elevated the mood. The insertion of flashbacks of The First Doctor and Toymaker from Classic Who was really good too. The music that played gave me good chills. It's such a haunting theme for the Toymaker and the constant giggling adds to it. I liked that it played during the public chaos scene too. Can we also talk about the scene where The Doctor and Donna have a moment together while they're in the Toymaker's domain? Because OH MY GOD! I loved that! The Doctor tearing himself down, getting naturally worried and emotional and then telling Donna that he doesn't know if he can save her life this time and her simple response to him is "Maybe, I'll save you" SO GOOD! SO FUCKING GOOD! When you said "They're so good!" I kept nodding along with you! Because yes! You're absolutely right! They are that good! They are so fucking good! Tennant and Tate are brilliant together! 15 years later and they're still creating goldmine with the best chemistry and material with their characters! This also just further cements my view in that Donna is easily the best modern day Who companion and I am so glad we got her back for these specials. I love how she gave The Doctor that needed reassurance in winning the game against the toymaker with the mention of her dad's words. So good! And you're also right about that scene being better than all of Jodie Whittaker's era. It's such a shame 13 didn't get these kind of moments with her companions. The Toymaker making puppets out of Charles and The Doctor was funny and eerie at the same time. Same for Donna encountering the Scottish dolls. It was freaky when they latched onto her and I also laughed when she made a rhyme while throwing, bashing and kicking them away. "My name's Donna and now I think you're a goner!" The Toymaker's puppet show was also another highlight where he informed Donna about the tragedies of Amy, Clara and Bill and all three of them dying in some of the most horrific ways. I loved The Doctor's traumatic reaction to each of them and how he tried to justify that they all got happy endings underneath the tragedy but then the Toymaker keeps saying "WELL THAT'S ALRIGHT THEN!"


And yeah, I can confirm that "Well that's alright then!" has already become a meme. I had a feeling it would. Nice to know that you still hate Bill's ending. 😂 God, she really deserved better didn't she? I still have mixed feelings on it. I think Moffat really fumbled that ending. The tension between David Tennant and NPH during the card game scene was really good too. And some of the stuff he said is definitely foreshadowing something in the future. I'm guessing we might see these developments with 15 which makes me curious as the Meep said a similar thing in Star Beast about the "boss" and now the Toymaker says he ran from "The one who waits". I'm curious to know if there's link between who they each described. The Toymaker running away from "The one who waits" might just be the same boss that the meep described. I also love how Donna said "I'm already running!" when The Doctor called her name as the domain collapsed. And of course, the Spice Up Your Life scene was hilariously camp and perfect. I actually laughed when The Toymaker danced with Kate and then threw her running into a wall and even Mel to the ground. A nice bit of horror with him killing the UNIT guards so casually. It was like a throwback to The Master dancing to Scissor Sisters and Voodoo Child in the Series 3 finale of Doctor Who. And also recently with The Master dancing to Rasputin in Jodie's last episode but I think this musical moment easily topped that. Now let's talk about the bi-regeneration moment. I accidentally stumbled upon the leaks about this so I was kinda bracing myself for the regeneration. I wasn't sure how I'd feel but I knew this moment was gonna be controversial with fans. There's definitely people who liked it and others who disliked it. I had some conflicted feelings on it after watching it but I also didn't expect it to play out the way it did. But I've still been processing it for these past 3 days. There's stuff I really liked but there was also stuff I'm not too sure about. I really liked David and Ncuti's Doctors (14 and 15) embracing and hugging each other and then working together against The Toymaker. Some will say that this robbed 15 of his own moment of regeneration which I can understand but at the same time, this seemed like a better compromise rather than awkwardly having 15 just face the Toymaker fresh out of regeneration. I actually think Ncuti managed to make a good impact and bounced well alongside Tennant to the point where we could already get a good glimpse on what his Doctor will be like so it ended up working for me. Although I will say, I wish we explored more on the world going mad and crazy even though they already covered the basis in the first half. I wish they tapped into that a bit more as there was really good momentum in those first 45 minutes. Fun fact for you. The anti Zedex woman is called Trinity Wells and she has appeared multiple times in Doctor Who before. She was the American newsreader who would frequently cover alien invasions back in the RTD's first era of Doctor Who. We would see her report frequently and cover invasions that happened in Tennant's era of Doctor Who, Torchwood (Children of Earth) and The Sarah Jane Adventures. Keep an eye out for her if you ever see future news reports. The last time we saw her was in End of Time episode (Tennant's last story as 10) so it's nice to see her again after 13 years. Seems like she got her own show now in the Doctor Who universe lol. My only other main issue is that The Toymaker was defeated too quickly and easily. The same criticism also applies to the original story. I don't mind the game of ball since it was harkening back to the first ever game but I wish they would have made it a bit more difficult to beat him. Maybe extend the scene for another few minutes or return to his domain to play a more intense game. But he did warn The Doctors that his legions are coming so I'm bracing myself for that. I do like how threatening the Toymaker was. A good fun, over the top and threatening villain here. There are some things I would have changed with the Toymaker climax to smoothen out certain moments in that resolution but aside from those issues, this was a solid episode. I really enjoyed it. That golden tooth scene also seems to be a hint that the Master might be back but I'm hoping we still get a break from him. As for 14's conclusion and David Tennant's send off, I like it but I also have conflicted feelings about it. From what I understand, things have come full circle with the legacy of Doctors 1-14. The acknowledgement of them always running and never turning back or having proper time for themselves only to now be told by themselves and Donna that they're running ragged. It seems like 15 is what 14 will eventually become after resting and recuperating based on 15 saying that "We're doing rehab out of order". 15 hugging and comforting 14 actually got to me. There's just something about it that just feels very comforting for The Doctor to give himself some self-love which he's recently been struggling to accept. Maybe as a result of so many losses and experiences and trauma that's been faced in the last few series but it also feels like the start of a healing journey and reflection for The Doctor as the only remaining person who could reach out to The Doctor was himself. I think him being reassured and comforted by his future self was really important. I actually started to tear up when Donna said he changed his face back and found her to come home. We thought The Doctor's old face as 10 came back to say goodbye but it was actually to come home and there's something genuinely beautiful about that. I just started to really feel the emotions when him and Donna were crying. It's definitely going to be a struggle for him to adapt to that. But him and Donna having a happy ending together with her family genuinely makes me happy. It's a complete reversal from the Series 4 ending. I know people will argue that it diminishes the Series 4 ending but I don't think it does as Donna still lost 15 years and was robbed of further adventures which was tragic because she was a thrill seeker for adventure back in the old days but as a result of gaining her memories back now, we got to see much she has changed after becoming a mother and living a new daily life as she mentioned to 14. Now she can help him rest and adapt with her to this new life which is comforting. I remember back in Doomsday when 10 told Rose that this was the life he could never have but years later and now he's living it. I'm also thinking back to Journey's End when Sarah Jane told 10 that "You act like such a lonely man, but look at you! You've got the biggest family on Earth!" And years later, he's now come back to his old earth family which makes it even more emotional now. I suppose the concept of bi-regeneration isn't so different from The Doctor regenerating and flying off to other times where other Doctors still exist. But I think I still need to process and reflect on it as I'm still conflicted. I guess we'll see how RTD handles the implication of bi-regeneration in the future if it's even revisited or further explained beyond being a myth. But for now, 14 and Donna have found peace which is good enough for me. They deserve this moment of happiness. It was nice to briefly see Rose, Shaun and Sylvia again and the mention of Wilf too. I noticed they used an archive recording for Wilf at the beginning from Series 4 which was nice but also sad. Rose's acting was also much more comfortable here which makes me happy. 15 mentioning Sarah Jane, Rose, River and Adric also got to me. I also understood some of the Classic Who references since I've watched most of it now. I'm excited but also slightly nervous for Ncuti's era. I hope it goes well as enter this new era of RTD. I really hope it succeeds. It's nice to see 14 pass the baton to 15 in the last few minutes of this episode when he says "Good luck". Ncuti seems to already have great energy and bounced off 14 and the other characters well enough but the next test will be his debut in the Christmas special. Looking forward to seeing that. With his Doctor being free of the trauma and revitalised, there's a lot of potential and fresh direction to explore which can lead to new adventures and more potentially fun and ground-breaking stories. I'm very excited to see what comes. Oh and the reason why Ncuti didn't have much clothes and only had his shirt and underwear on was because they were trying to split the clothing between both Doctors as a result of the bi-regeneration. You probably noticed by now but 14 (David) was no longer wearing his shoes or his tie. While 15 (Ncuti) had the other dress shirt, tie, underwear and shoes. 14 was just barefoot while wearing his trousers, vest and his undershirt. Because 15 was wearing the pants, this means 14 was commando. 😂 This might be controversial to say but I think I enjoyed this more than the 50th even though the 50th anniversary was still good. They both have their issues but the 60th just reminded me of how much I've missed this type of Doctor Who. Having Tennant, Tate and RTD back for this occasion was so great! I just feel like I got a good amount of familiar and fun Doctor Who content from these three specials. Star Beast provided the usual bombastic RTD romp entertainment with the stakes being raised, Wild Blue Yonder provided a nice bottle episode with The Doctor and Donna being solely together and battling against their doppelgangers which provided effective cosmic body horror, nice tension and allowed them to vent their emotions. While The Giggle provided the best of both worlds with a mixture of fun, tension and emotional beats with a happy and bittersweet closure to Tennant and Tate as a duo. It was a pleasure to have them back for this. I still need to reflect on a few things but I really enjoyed it. Now we wait for Christmas day.