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Doctor Who 2023 Special 2: “Wild Blue Yonder” FULL REACTION

  • Masterpiece 😍(9-10) 2
  • Loved It 🥰(7-8) 7
  • Liked It 😄(5-6) 1
  • Just Ok 😩(3-4) 0
  • Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2) 0
  • 2023-12-03
  • 10 votes
{'title': 'Doctor Who 2023 Special 2: “Wild Blue Yonder” FULL REACTION ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Masterpiece 😍(9-10)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Loved It 🥰(7-8)', 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Liked It 😄(5-6)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Just Ok 😩(3-4)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 3, 23, 40, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 10}


That’s more like it!!!😱😱😱

Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/w0hf7d

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LfzeUD4vfyDnTzPIqmvd9Z8Twa7bOoT8/view?usp=drivesdk



It was also effective with how the fake Doctor and Donna pushed to make The Doctor and Donna think deeply and excessively about the whole ship situation which led to the captain sacrifice revelation and the robot being a slow ticking bomb for the ship. I like that The Doctor struggled to fight the urge to think but couldn't help himself, with even Donna acknowledging that. The ending was also really intense with the way The Doctor and Donna attempted to chase their copies and the Tardis returning in time was such a grand moment. But my heart was racing when The Doctor picked the wrong Donna and I genuinely felt scared for her in those moments where she was screaming as the ship started to blow up. For a moment, I wondered if Donna was really going to die there and I could feel her dread. Catherine's acting was brilliant in that moment. The way you could see and hear her heavily breathing and almost accepting her fate as the button was pressed, oh that was so effective but it almost made my heart stop. RTD really likes to play with our emotions there! Lmao! God. They went through a lot in this one. Again, the sound design was great in this one. My only issue with this episode was that I was waiting for it to properly dive and delve further into the horror aspect and the existential crisis that both The Doctor and Donna were having. I feel like the episode just needed one more push further for it to properly elevate the mood. I was waiting for it but it didn't quite hit the full extent that I was presenting but I still appreciate the things it did and it will probably grow on me more with future rewatches. I don't think it's as scary as episodes like Midnight, Water of Mars or even Blink but it's still a good episode and is still worth analysing with the themes and content it presents. And Wilf returning at the end of the episode was such a delight. Obviously the actor passed away last year and got a tribute in the credits of this episode but beforehand, we weren't sure how much of him we were going to get for these 60th anniversary specials but RTD recently confirmed that this was the only scene he was able to film as he died not long after they finished filming. They planned to have more of him which is sad but I'm glad we got to see him one last time. Waiting for Donna to come back, like she said he would. I'm so happy he got to see The Doctor again and Donna regaining her memories back. RIP Bernard Cribbins. And I agree that it's such a shame that we've only got David Tennant and Catherine Tate for these three specials. I'm going to be so heart-broken to see them leave again. I really would love to have another series with them together. This just brought back the Series 4 feeling from the show that I've really missed for a long time and they still have the perfect dynamic and magic together. The hype has been real. I've never felt so excited but also nervous at the same time. Such a weird mixture of feelings as we delve into the next special. It's going to be very bittersweet. I'm really excited for Ncuti eventually becoming The Doctor and his new upcoming era but I'm also equally heartbroken to lose David Tennant as The 14th Doctor and Donna again. I've really loved having them back. Still my favourite Tardis duo and one of my favourite Doctor and companion pairings. I'm so not ready! I've been watching the next time preview religiously for the past 2 days. So nervous and excited all at once! ._.


There's still so much more to say about this episode. I didn't realise how thought-provoking this story would be. Even though I still prefer Star Beast a bit more than this, I can definitely understand the appeal of this story. The mind-bendy and muscle brain flexing element to this episode makes it very interesting. This could also be seen as a possible commentary on AI what with the doppelgangers mimicking The Doctor and Donna and learning more about them which leads to them improving their imitation of them or even the theme of cognitive dissonance in humans and living beings. Going back to the moment where Donna was alone on the exploding ship, moments away from death, I'm now wondering, can you imagine if the fake Donna had managed to perfectly stabilise her form without The Doctor ever knowing or could you even imagine if they kept it ambiguous to who the real Donna was to us as viewers? That would be horrifying. The Doctor and Donna holding each other while he gives her a kiss on the forehead was really nice. Even when he kissed her hand while she was panicking after the Tardis ran away was comforting. Even the brief conversation they had in the Tardis near the end where The Doctor opened up his worry about creating a superstition at the edge of the universe and prying on whether Donna still remembered all the things she knew when she was The DoctorDonna has made me question if Donna still remembers certain stuff considering that Fake Donna did. And yeah, perhaps her questioning The Doctor on what happened since he last saw her could be her way of trying to make The Doctor open up. I still can't tell if she was lying or not about not retaining that knowledge. And I liked that she asked him if he was going to be okay. It's nice callback to their conversation after what they experienced in the library episode years ago when The Doctor watched River die and Donna not being able to find her husband in that episode (Lee). I've missed having moments like these in Doctor Who. I feel like it's unfortunate that the 13th Doctor never got to have many of these moments specifically with her companions but also because she was a very closed off incarnation who refused to let people in. But the 14th Doctor seems more open to his emotions while still having that small bit of reservation. And speaking of being more open, I like the fact that the 14th Doctor is more open to his attraction with men by him agreeing with Donna about how hot and attractive Issac Newton was. And Donna was right about it not being that far from the surface. It's definitely not the first time that The Doctor has experienced same sex attraction as a man (alien). Back in Series 1, The 9th Doctor and Jack literally kissed on the lips in such a casual and tender way. They even flirted a bit with each other in previous Series 1 episodes prior to the finale. In Series 3 in the Daleks of Manhattan two parter episode, The 10th Doctor jokingly told Martha that she could kiss him later and he even told Frank that he could kiss him too if he wanted (Frank was a supporting character played by Andrew Garfield). it was a very small moment but you could see Frank smiling and laughing after he said that (I think Andrew was probably breaking character a bit there lol) Another small moment was during the Unicorn and The Wasp episode where one of the male supporting characters was in a secret gay relationship with one of the male butlers (because of the time period being the 1920s). But The Doctor and Donna had noticed they were together. I remember Donna saying "Typical! All the decent are on the other bus" and The Doctor responded by saying "Or Time Lords" implying that he was always fluid. There was even a brief moment where Shakespeare flirted with The Doctor during another Series 3 episode where The Doctor and Martha met Shakespeare. I still think back to the Doctor's Daughter episode where Jenny was kissing the security guard and held him at gunpoint which caught him offguard while The Doctor and Donna watched. Then Donna told The Doctor "I'd like to see you try that" which made laugh. The Doctor doesn't even respond and just stared awkwardly which gave the implication that he's not against the idea. These were very subtle moments with The 10th Doctor being attracted to men but Donna is right about it always being on the surface as presented with those episodes. The 11th Doctor was pretty much the same as he kissed Rory on the lips during one episode of Series 7 and even admitted to how good looking Jeff was in 11's very first episode. I don't think the 12th Doctor got much moments of these but I remember one specific moment in The Time Heist episode where he threw the 🤙 sign to Psi when 12 and Clara were saying their goodbyes to him and Saibra. Although I'm not sure if that's supposed to interpret as "Call me" in a romantic sense or "Call me so we can link up again for another adventure". I suppose both could work. He even labelled Missy as his "man crush". Whereas 13 was probably the most asexual of the New Who Doctors although she did call herself cute when she was split into two copies of herself during the last episode of The Flux (Donna did the same thing to her copy in this episode as did Amy and Clara when a similar thing happened to them in past episodes). I guess you could include 13 and Yaz too but that seemed more one sided to me personally. TLDR- Donna was right and I'm kinda curious to know what she was gonna say before they noticed the Tardis running away. But I'm glad the 14th Doctor is more open with his attraction and even his realisation to this was funny. "Oh? Is that who I am, now?" I imagine this will probably elevate further when 14 eventually regenerates to 15. Now regarding the whole Isaac Newton being played by a British Indian actor. Personally, it doesn't really bother me. To be honest, I think because the role is so minor in this episode and the fact that he's only included to have The Doctor and Donna accidentally change history with Isaac mishearing them say "Gravity as "Mavity", him not being white doesn't really seem that important in the grand scheme of things so I'm not really bothered about it. Although I know some people have theorised the link of "Mavity" and Isaac being deemed as attractive and not white means that something might be going on but who knows. I guess we'll find out if that happens or not. Might just be a deliberate history change. Aside from having slightly darker skin, the guy they casted as Newton still has a similar head shape to the Newton paintings. If you had put a lighter wig on the actor, I don't think many people would have cared as much (although you'd definitely still have "certain" people up in arms with him not being white). I've seen some discussions online where some people bring up the hypothetical of "What if MLK or so and so was being portrayed as a white man" and the counter argument brought up by some other person was usually "MLK and so and so being black is vital to his experiences whereas Isaac being white isn't a huge factor in his work on concepting gravity" and it pretty much continued into a whole discussion and debate of Doctor Who not being a BIPOC and not needing to be properly accurate vs striking a balance between fantasy, fun and historical people being entangled into it. I would probably understand the issue more if this episode was primarily about Isaac Newton and maybe taken more seriously but because it wasn't, I wasn't really fussed about it. I don't think it's worth people getting angry over it. Obviously this isn't the first time that Doctor Who has taken creative liberties before with historical figures. I remember giving a bit of side-eye to the 11th Doctor being paly and buddy-buddy with Winston Churchill on a rewatch. And I'm guessing most people didn't take notice or probably didn't care about the liberties with Vincent Van Gogh having a Scottish accent or Shakespeare not looking like his portraits (even though that was addressed in the story and amended by the end). I didn't really take much notice of these either as I was kid when those episodes aired. I understand some people's concern of sanitising the racism of older times. I'm quite wary of that too. But at the same time, I'd also argue that this Newton thing has pretty much exposed the racism from certain people who are blowing this up as another way of adding fuel to the "Doctor Who gone woke" crowd who are engaging with this for clicks and reactionary rants from media outlets which ends up sandwiching, silencing and overpowering any legit criticisms from other people. The UK still has very subtle but overt racism with the way people react to POC appearing onscreen in media. But that's a discussion for another day lol. I enjoyed your reaction to this story. As of now, this is my current ranking of the two specials The Star Beast - 7.5/10 Wild Blue Yonder - 7/10 This may change depending on rewatches and how the third special concludes. But yeah. I'm still excited and nervous for the next episode. David, Catherine and RTD also spoke briefly about Bernard (Wilf) in last week's Doctor Who Unleashed (behind the scenes show) which was nice. I still had so much joy seeing him at the end and then the plane dropping had me shocked as they braced for cover. Still an intense cliffhanger. God. I'm still not ready to say goodbye to 14 and Donna. I've said it before but this episode was very much a Doctor Who episode of Among Us and this funny video reaffirms it for me. 😂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmOSDuq05Kk&pp=ygUTZG9jdG9yIHdobyBhbW9uZyB1cw%3D%3D


Thanks for commenting😄 We’ll have to agree to disagree on the Isaac Newton subject though. I don’t consider myself racist or anyone who had an issue with Isaac Newton being a POC when he wasn’t in real life. I think stories can take liberties with things like historical figures fighting monsters and aliens but not when it comes to race. Whether it’s swapping a POC for white or vice versa. I think that’s a slippery slope. Although I have heard rumors as well that it was a deliberate change to show that Neil Patrick Harris’s character is altering reality/history. That would make sense but we’ll see.