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Young Royals 1x6 “Episode 6” FULL REACTION

  • Masterpiece 😍(9-10) 5
  • Loved It 🥰(7-8) 3
  • Liked It 😄(5-6) 0
  • Just Ok 😩(3-4) 0
  • Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2) 0
  • 2023-10-30
  • 8 votes
{'title': 'Young Royals 1x6 “Episode 6” FULL REACTION ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Masterpiece 😍(9-10)', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Loved It 🥰(7-8)', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Liked It 😄(5-6)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Just Ok 😩(3-4)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 30, 1, 36, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 8}


Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/s6ybxu

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/15Kq7__soz12NKa9gas4fBvr0gCSitKgD/view?usp=drivesdk


Pamela Chandler Rash

He is a child, he's sixteen. Unlike Simon he knows he doesn't have unconditional love from his parents. That was clear because as soon as he told the press what his mom wanted, did you see all the people comforting him in the palace? Yeah, not one. They all bunked off somewhere as soon as they got what they wanted. When he got in that car I think he was for sure going to tell the truth but she played on every weakness and fear he had. Simon got the short end here, he is a victim. But Wilhelm is a victim but he's not allowed to be that or have any comfort. Yes he gets that from Simon and would if he told the truth but again, he's sixteen and didn't want his mom to hate him. Not only is she his mom but the Queen, grown people can't even argue with her. I do like when Ayub was reading out the statement that you said it was disappointing because it was. Do I think you were too harsh on Wille, yes but I've watched a lot of reactions on this show, trust me yours ain't got nothing on some of the Wille hate from this. That's probably why I wrote that first paragraph. I hope you do season 2. Some say they don't think it's as good as season 1 but I disagree, there is so much more side characters that we find out about, that's really all I can say without spoiling anything. Thanks for the reaction, I enjoyed it. I don't have to agree with everything a reactor says to like them. I've only stopped when one reactor because they were saying mean things about the actors and I don't like that. If they suck, I can understand but when they are great and the person is just being mean to just to do it is gross.


Yeah my reaction may have been harsh towards Wilhelm, but I don’t think it was untrue. Whatever his circumstances, he chose to not only stay in the closet, but he inadvertently put the entire scandal on Simon. He did so and still expected Simon to be his dirty secret. What he did had consequences. It’s not really about whether my reaction to him is mean or not. The situation is what it is. He ended up losing Simon because of what he chose to do. It doesn’t matter whether he had an unsupportive family or how young he is. Simon had the right to not be a secret. At the end of the day Simon is the one who broke up with him not me 😂. If you’re saying you don’t agree with Simon’s decision then I guess we would have to agree to disagree because to me a relationship needs to be equal, not something that benefits only one person no matter their unfortunate circumstances. It wouldn’t be fair for Simon to stay in a relationship that he wasn’t happy in. A relationship where he couldn’t be himself. Simon respected Wilhelm’s decision not to come out, but that means Wilhelm needs to respect Simon’s decision to end the relationship. I respect Simon’s decision. There are two people in that relationship, not just Wilhelm so it can’t all be on his terms. But thanks for watching😄


I'm so glad you enjoyed season 1! I fully agree with everything Simon said and did this episode, and my heart breaks for him because I think he obviously wants to be with Wilhelm just as Wilhelm wants to be with him. I do have a bit more sympathy for Wilhelm at this point than maybe you do because I think he's in a really terrible situation, and I actually think his decision making has less to do with fearing what people will think if he were openly in a gay relationship (we saw him hug Simon in a not "just friends" kinda way at the end, and also he expressed to his mom wanting to be open about the relationship - or at least not hide it), but rather not wanting to disappoint or go against his family, especially after his brother died. I think it's easy for us to see the queen as harsh and somewhat of a villain and that it should be obvious for Wilhelm not to listen to her, but this is all he's known. He seems to feel a lot of pressure to not make too many waves within his family but I absolutely love the ending scene with the look to the audience while the word "revolution" is being sung. Part of what's so great about this series is the complexity of the characters and how all of them make poor choices at times - some more so than others! but we are able to see what drives them which makes it so interesting and people tend to have really varying opinions. Season 2 we get to see even more in depth our main characters as well as some of the side characters. Looking forward to it!


Hi thanks for watching. To me it doesn’t really matter whether I have sympathy for Wilhelm or not. The situation is the same no matter how I or anyone feels. My opinion doesn’t change the fact that he treated Simon terribly. He may not have meant to but him denying he was in the video put the entire scandal on Simon. He then expected Simon to still see him in secret. If he had his way he would’ve kept seeing Simon in secret indefinitely and that isn’t fair to Simon. It demeans Simon and shows that he is something to be ashamed of. Wilhelm’s decision to not come out does still have to do with shame in my opinion not just that it would disappoint his mother. His mother doesn’t want him to come out because she still sees being gay as something to be ashamed of. Wilhelm admitted to his mom that he wanted to be in a relationship with Simon because it was obvious it was him in the video and he couldn’t deny it as easily to her as he could to the world. His mother knows him and would recognize him anywhere even if it’s the side of his face. I have sympathy for Wilhelm to a point because he is young and still wants support from his family and doesn’t have it but I have more sympathy for Simon because now the scandal is his alone. Wilhelm chose his reputation over Simon and left Simon hanging. Wilhelm thinks this is the only choice and it’s not. It can’t be the only choice since I’m assuming he comes out at some point in the next season. If he does then that proves that there are were options but he chose the option that will make him suffer in silence, hurt Simon, and made him lose Simon. I can have sympathy for someone and be angry and disappointed at them at the same time. Probably the same way Simon was disappointed in Wilhelm. They parted on good terms but I’m sure Simon would’ve preferred Wilhelm to have made a different choice and so do I. Looking forward to season 2.