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Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/nc65ed

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZR_IZ4egsJKmAXT6jQj4dhq7fCLuXQBT/view?usp=drivesdk



I'm just now realizing that it's kind of bizarre that the entire school, including teachers like Aria's mom, heard rumors about Ezra being involved with a student, but it was never investigated? I'm honestly so surprised that Ezra and Aria have been able to keep their secret for this long, but I guess it makes sense since her parents, and especially her dad, are so oblivious to what's happening with their children. I feel so bad for Emily once again for having her body violated. It's easy for A to call her the weakest link when she is the one getting the worst of it. Kate must have been waiting her whole life for her villain moment with that whole speech she had prepared lmao.


This was a great episode. I agree Spencer's outfit this episode was great, she looked lovely. I can't remember - but did she tell Toby about A? I think it's time for them to tell people about A. I wish that Emily had spoken to Dr. Sullivan. I feel so bad for her being violated again, what should have been a nice relaxing moment for her was ruined, after A caused her so much harm with the human growth hormone, which is abhorrent. The Aria and Ezra of it all....they're totally delusional. Him working at the university isn't going to change the fact that they were dating while he was her teacher. That it was still wrong, and it's not going to go down well with her parents. I think maybe her mum on some level might sense something but is otherwise oblivious because - who would ever think that their child is romantically involved with their former teacher?! That's so wild. I'm curious to find out what secret Jason, Garrett and Jenna have, that whole situation is suspicious. I want to like Jason but he's currently a walking red flag. A good looking walking red flag, but a red flag nonetheless.


Kate is something else. Hanna also bless her she's just sometimes so unaware of her surroundings. Like a bull in a china shop that girl lol!