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Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/5lf7ht

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aQBVB4WvWcGFxnZcjseQpegl5I3_KvIU/view?usp=drivesdk



Totally get what you're saying, people are wired to expect drama cause it's like a default setting with any other series. It’s almost like two completely opposites on a spectrum, Heartstopper being on the super rose tinted end and lots of other shows on the end where everything is drama and miscommunication is as a driving force. Reality is somewhere in the middle I guess.. and you’re correct about the creator of the comics/show aiming for that dreamy bubble. Also understand your frustration with Charlie. His timidness comes across kinda vague in the show. Personally think they didn’t do the best job with showing the audience where his behaviour stems from but they’re sort of playing the long game with his arc because it is in line with his character that he‘s great at hiding stuff. Since it’s following the comics, season 2 deals with it some more and presumably 3 will do a very deep dive in that respect. The other characters really aren’t fleshed out all that well, true.. unfortunately comes with having such short episodes. Crazy enough, they have more spotlight in the show than in the comics, but it’s still not much.. especially Isaac, who is not even a character in the comics and was created for the show specifically. Anyway, props and thanks for sticking with this despite feeling uncomfortable throughout 😂