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Your thoughts about women being less sexual than men were interesting, though my opinion kind of differs. I think women could easily be just as sexual. But the differences lie in how sex is framed by society and how women get used to seeing it. In some capacity they are told that when they sleep with someone, they are giving up their body/giving up control/offering something they no longer would have after that, at least not in the same way. While men are told that when they have sex, they take the control/gain or win something/have more power in a potential power dynamic. Then we add the differences in physical strength between the genders. So women grow up with the idea that there is a certain threat when it comes to being sexual and they should be cautious. And men grow up with the idea that sex is cool and gives them a boost. It's the mindset that makes the difference. Of course that's just my opinion on it.


I agree with everything you said. In general though I would say that even if men and women were socialized the same way and had equal strength, men would still have higher sex drives. Women would definitely feel more free to be themselves sexually if the safety, strength and societal views were equal but I still believe in general women have to be “in the mood” and men are always in the mood and can turn it on in a split second if given the opportunity. I’ve just heard too many stories of husbands wanting to have sex but the wife wasn’t in the mood or too tired. That almost doesn’t exist for the majority of men. A girlfriend or wife doesn’t really have to worry a whole lot about how she’s perceived sexually if she’s with her boyfriend or husband. Doesn’t need to worry about differences in strength if she’s sleeping with her boyfriend or husband if she‘s in a trusting relationship. So it must be that women aren’t quite as sexual as men. If a smaller gay man meets a bigger stronger man for a hookup he’ll probably still want to sleep with him and take the risk even knowing he could be overtaken if he’s chosen to go home with a psycho. The potential for sex outweighs the threat of rape or murder because men are driven by sex in a way women aren’t imo. Now this situation with Murphy is interesting because he is a man but not the one with the power in this case. Even if he wasn’t chained I think Ontari (is that her name?) could defeat him in a fight. If she’s not stronger than him she is definitely more of a skilled fighter and has the influence to have Murphy killed if he doesn’t do what she says. She has the power and he still chose to see the situation as kind of a bonus because he gets sex with an attractive women. It’s that ability to turn the sex switch on in an instant that I think is different between the sexes. He is also not the one getting penetrated (probably) which makes a difference, but she could still have him killed if he refused. An interesting situation.