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Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/rwtvhx

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z8ofvUVPHUEht5hIoLn8tsLAWn5oeH7U/view?usp=drivesdk



The time Elijah has loved and protected his family is really no match next to his 7 yeas with Antoinette. I agree with her on that. But when she added "and all the years you spent loving her", I thought 'Huh? Hayley?' I mean, sure, if we're talking love that was hardly experienced and lived, where you're not even friends with that person for long periods of time, because you're staying away and constantly deciding not to see them. The kind of love that mostly stays in wishful thinking. Yes. That's his story with Hayley. But the love he got to have for years was Antoinette. I can't imagine Hayley and Elijah lasting 7 years and being together without one of them or both breaking it off for the common good and noble reasons.


Antoinette is such a lovely person, I understand her concern with Elijah getting his memories back, not only because of the pain, but also the fear of losing him, and what they have. I feel for Klaus and Hope, Klaus truly loves his daughter and they're just stuck in such a difficult situation. I can't remember when Mary died - I think she died of old age, I don't remember anyone killing her off but it's possible that it happened lol. I can't wait for the next reaction!