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What if Paige survived and became that substitute teacher? Hmm 🤔

Streamable LINK: https://streamable.com/afotbl

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i7jcZF6jTaTiWaLS_cf8CsvajbD8XBu7/view?usp=drivesdk



-Talia is Derek's mother (his other sister's name is Laura) and Talia is also Peter's sister -I love young Derek's actor, he's so cute, he looks like a little lost puppy lol 😭😆 -The other wolf who was pissed off wanted to take the Alpha position because he thought he could beat Deucalion (I don't know who it's spelled lol) using his blindness against him. He just wanted power 😬 -I love Page's actress, she was really good in her scenes (I've seen her in other shows, she is a pretty good actress)