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Mega LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgEbYDXdoACALalZp9_CcS7uYBxOmvXRkcM_fMYJcZP4Z5fTpyxAi8Tt7wSDkTjZU3OrGa2Qio546X0jat385dGN8cZiq24L1aXwld-UsudPbK9z7e6w3aeMsezJOxC3toWWQbfMHe4

Password: otherboy

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OJrfEUOBA7Ta8idHJbypOvTHMHOYt-rB/view?usp=drivesdk



drinking blood of the dead kills a vampire in this universe, that's why they need to stop while they are still alive


hei hei :) Claudia was turned when she was 14, so while it’s true that in terms of appearance she can also pass as 20ish, her brain still stopped developing at 14, hence no completely developed frontal lobe and all those hormones of a 14 year old for eternity.. because once you’re turned that can’t ever develop or change. Life experience will still have her mature but the lack of impulse control with cravings and hormone levels aren’t really in her hand that way. It‘s why she‘s extra impulsive