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Password: otherboy

Google Drive LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/118ynGWHdJUdLT7FBZZWHGjQKBjWL9kp9/view?usp=drivesdk



For these last two episodes.. love the Vader stuff, love the flashbacks with Hayden, the wrapup with Leia and Qui Gon is really sweet... but the rest ain't my cup of tea. I really dig what they were going for with Reva and her revenge story, but it just never had me that invested. The pursuit of Luke is very sudden, and whilst it's a nice chance for his aunt and uncle to do some action, it feels a bit tacked on? Obi-Wan as a show had so much potential in it, however for me it feels the story took a route that was far more 'generic mentor and child on the run from bad dudes' rather than something else, like an insight into the mind of Obi and Anakin after everything. We get a little bit of that, and I adore the final scene between them, but I'd have loved more. Hayden did film a lot of the scenes in the suit, and it was promoted with him doing it all-- but no, there were many stunt doubles for the fights, haha. Yeah, this show has a lot of cliches too.. I really wish the 'leave character injured but not dead' choice didn't happen over and over. But hey, it works to move the plot I guess. I was also quite disappointed by this show's soundtrack. We get some nice bits with the famous John Williams music in the final few minutes, but I wish we got more. Imagine the music from Anakin/Obi's fight in Revenge of the Sith playing over their last fight here? Would've been so powerful! I usually appreciate original themes a lot, but when you're depicting such iconic characters, who have such iconic themes.. it's okay to reuse those! Especially when John Williams was involved in this... Music ramble over; thanks for catching up with this show. It's not my favourite of the Disney+ shows, but Ewan and Hayden are great in it, as is James Earl Jones (who is primarily AI generated. Not sure what that says about the industry-- but he sounds good in it)