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Password: otherboy

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yp2HygQaiZINhawuPsqwPNfEnZQFaULA/view?usp=drivesdk



-Belle went to Zelena and begged her to help her because she was afraid Hades was gonna speed up her pregnancy and take her baby away and she said that she didn't want Rumple's help anymore because he keeps doing bad things and letting her down and that she was tired of it. At first Zelena didn't really want to help her because Belle was the one who stole her baby at first to give it to Regina, but at the end she ended up helping her. Zelena told Belle that the only way to make sure that Hades could not be able to speed up the pregnancy was a sleeping curse, so she gave her the needle with the curse. Then, Belle went to Rumple and told him this was the only way and Rumple tried to stop her from doing this, he told her that he won't be able to wake her with true love's kiss because the only way she loves him is when he is "a better man" and he said that he didn't wanna try to be that man anymore. Belle said that she knew this and that she wasn't expecting him to wake her because she knew it wouldn't work, so she asked him to find a way to break the contract with Hades while she is asleep and then to bring her to her father so he can wake her because he is the person who loves her the most. Rumple tried to stop her but she used the needle and fell asleep, and this is why he is so mad now (sorry that was really long 😆) -Hook told Cruella she couldn't use the gun anyway because the last author wrote "Cruella can't kill anyone", so now even if she wanted to, she'll never be able to kill anyone. 😁 -I had the same reaction as you when I watched Cora's ending. I would've loved it so much more if she had the ending she deserved and it would have been more impactful. I hope she didn't go to heaven (this sounds awful lol 😭) I hope the light just means that she found peace with herself and with her daughters and nothing more... -Love your shirt, it summarised a lot of moments in this episode, especially the Cora-going-in-peace moment, it was pretty funny lmao 😂


Lol thank you for that recap I needed it. It’s been awhile and so much happened that I forgot. Haha I had no idea what Hook meant when he told Cruella she couldn’t use the gun. Thought he was just saying she wasn’t a good shot😂 All of that sounds familiar though. I remember Belle hoping her father would kiss her👍🏼


Is this show on a pause or just one that is slowly updated? I mostly got your patreon for this show, but going to stick around for several of them.