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Mark Ward

Haven’t watched your reaction yet - but this is probably my least favourite story of Jodie’s run and maybe of all time. I absolutely loathe it. Can’t wait to see what you think and whether it gets as strong reactions from you as it does me. 😂


This episode is commonly called one of Doctor Who's worst. I don't *despise* it, but it's a big dud for me; too many characters, so much random setup that goes nowhere, and barely any resolution. And my god- I know the actor for Astos(?) is great in Ted Lasso, and even won an Emmy; but he is atrocious here... sorry!

Mark Ward

He is ASTONISHINGLY bad. I couldn't believe it when I saw he later won an Emmy - is he actually good in Ted Lasso?

Mark Ward

Oh man... I just watched this through and I hated it as much as I remembered (I did skip through the last 10 mins or so of the actual episode). Every single subplot is shit. The pregnant man storyline is just awful. The pting is one of the worst 'villains' they've ever had. The only thing I like is the set design. Basic, but kinda nicely done.


A lot going on, but at the same time not enough. That there encapsulates my feeling in a nutshell. It's not terrible enough to get worked up about. 🤷‍♂️ But both overfull and some what empty simultaneously. That's quite an achievement. 🤯 An interesting exploration for the meaning in the expectant father subplot. Maybe that was the intended meaning. Neither you looked or I felt convinced by that to be honest. I felt it was just there to give context to Ryan's realisation moment. Which then makes it feel overly contrived with conflicting positions. A simple statement about the responsibilities of parenthood, but then also played for laughs as a sort of sci-fi novelty concept. So both full of a little meaning but also an empty cheap gag which deflates the tone of that development. What is interesting is that Ryan's actual realisation was one of his better individual moments for me so far. Such a shame it had be buried in this blar episode and was given such a contrived setup.


"It's not terrible enough to get worked up about" sums up my feelings about every not so great episode of Doctor Who ever. :)