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Mark Ward

You are really helping me to enjoy this era because you've clearly warmed to Jodie so much early on, which is nice to see. I don't think it's a massive spoiler to say that this is EASILY Jodie's weakest season, so if you're not hating her and her companions at this stage, I think you'll probably enjoy this era more than most people do. This episode is pretty much maligned by everyone (but get through this and the next one, and you've done the worst of the season for me and for most people). Watching this back, I do think there's some lovely character moments in it. But that's about it really... the spider story itself is just a bit meh.


I think you highlighted the good and the bad pretty concisely. I'd agree with most of your post episode reflections. When I first watched this one, I was bitterly disappointed and let the negatives outshine the possitives. I've seen it a few times since and appreciated the best of it. But I absolutely hated it with a passion upon first watch. We still had the orange one in office and the parody just felt too cheap and not very inventive. But as you said, you're through it now. I was still missing Murray Gold and I'm not a particular fan of Grime. (Another thing put in there to specifically irritate me. 🤣) I really appreciated you looking for a metaphor in this one. I'd personally say that Chibnal has more of a heavy hand with his writing style for DW, hitting that nail pretty dead on a lot of the time. I have to the credit the creepy tone and CGI for this episode. The story and the fairly non existent and ultimately unsatisfying resolution pulls this episode down a number of points for me.