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REALLY??? Like…REALLY???!!! WTF???!!! WHY??? DID??? YOU??? DO??? THAT???

Mega LINK:https://mega.nz/#P!AgGbYiEVqALEiUU8UDkQpT8qTnAwhKYNx-x3Isk1GZyzq7OOonLPMDMgAIG1zLxTU-GbHZORTukkMrPGOP2w3BL6tE_xHdNENP_8UAo5j9Cv_eO09KrV_jYh4_fxCVDWJDi6oNe_UtQ

Password: otherboy 

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gnokqu5pbtJXPY5Dq4UhV_KIQMwswksd/view?usp=drivesdk



There is a theory that Hannah went to his house because she wanted to blackmail him to get back the money she lost. But that's just a theory. The second version is that it was just stupid. Unfortunately. She is not guilty of being raped, but it was her fault that she was in this situation. I agree in 100%. As for the rest, I also tried to remember that they were teenagers, so for them some things (in their heads) could mean the end of the world.


Yes I agree that it was very reckless of Hannah to go to his place but like you said she is a messed up teen who isn't thinking clearly. Yes she put herself in the hot tub, but there were other people there at the time and HE wasn't. So she might have felt like she was "OK". Then when everyone left Hannah ALSO tried to leave, but Bryce being the disgusting person he was stopped her. So ultimately this is not her fault and she is not to blame for Bryce's actions.


Also you commented on the fact that she said she already felt like nothing so I feel like a part of her was seeking out destruction, like she wanted something bad to happen as a punishment for losing her parents money but then when it started happening she wanted out.


It was so hard to watch your review at the end of the episode. Not because you're saying that Hannah had a part of responsability in what happened to her, but because there is a tiny part of truth in what you said (which doesn't make her less of a victime, of course). When the show first came out and I watch it, I just saw her as a victim being at the wrong house at the wrong time. The way I see it now, being a psychology student (doesn't make me right or wrong, of course), is that she was feeling so guilty about what happened with her parent's money, plus she was having a shity year and she was a messed up teenager (which is a really hard period for everyone, for some people harder than others), ad to that the fact that at the end she say "I finally live up to my reputation" (or something like that). Even if she kept saying again and again that she didn't know why she was doing what she was doing (the fact that she kept repeting it, like she wanted to convice herself is another clue), I just think she didn't wanna admit it but she was in the beggining of an autodestructive mode that began at this very moment and led to her suicide. Now, hear me out, I'm not saying that she wanted to be assaulted, I'm just saying that the fact that she chose THIS house, THAT party, that she knew belonged to a criminal is clearly something you don't choose if you're in your right mind. It's like a way to autodestroy herself, like when you know that the guy in front of you is holding a gun and you just stick your head to the gun, or like playing at the russian roulette. You do that, but whether you admit it or not you know that your playing with your life (or your health). So, yes Hannah somewhere inside her head knew that she was walking into the lion fangs, but she did it anyway (and again, even if she did risk it, she ABSOLUTLY did not wanted to get rapped). It's like a transe, you do what you do and then when something bad happen you wake up a realise how bad you screwed up. In Hannah's case, it's the moment when she jumped out of the boat in the ocean and didn't wanna swim, so she let herself sink to the bottom until she was ready to die, so she died. I've always thought that making those tapes and killing herself was also a revenge, before being anything else.

Kyla B.

So I 100% understand what you're saying. If it had been a party at anyone else's house, and Bryce just so happened to be there. I could see her not knowing that, until he got in the hot tub. But, she fully knew who's house she went to. Now that I've seen the show, it hits differently this time around. I'm out of the shock range, so now I'm being reintroduced to all the information. And in what WORLD would someone, who knows the type of person Bryce is, put themselves that close in his orbit? At his house, no less. Why? I didn't hate Hannah the first time around. I didn't /like/ her. For a lot of reasons you're pointing out. But, now? Hannah, girl! A lot of these situations she finds herself in, is mainly because she put herself there. I'm not saying she asks for any of it. But, going to that particular party was, and I hate to say it like this. It was like her aura was seeking chaos or drama. Because, why would you go there? You don't even /like/ half of the people you talked to there. But, with the information we do have. I think I can understand her not moving once he was in the hot tub. She was sitting there in her underwear. NOTHING good was gonna come out of that, whether she got up and left or not. Unfortunately, I think if it didn't happen in the hot tub, or even that night, it MIGHT'VE still happened regardless. Because Bryce is a predator. He's the type that would've taken her soaked undies as a sign that she "wanted it" instead of 'I didn't have a bathing suit, but I got in anyway because why not, it's a party."