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Mega LINK: https://mega.nz/#P!AgFPvkbROIm9Cv1omLh2OghjfDizE47fpjDh3zjQ2KndVeFAhG4m9Paq3_oyEWs1cZ9TksHiNg0BN9DS2ZdVWfdjRU1ThMD748DHncFnZpN-nreqi_kgv5Rkm4Dtkkj6tXKvUOUBvAM

Password: otherboy 

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YUIjNCzqOlPtrNTi2RGTTOqBu7kzxqrX/view?usp=drivesdk



Overall just a pretty fine episode; nothing special, but s'okay! In terms of that random character contacting them on the screen; that's a (very confusing) reference to classic who, as that character was involved with the Ice Warriors in the past. It's pretty meh on the execution in the story... but it's a sweet cameo.


Probably my least favourite episode from Series 10. It's not bad but it's nothing particularly special either. But out of all the Ice Warrior stories they've had in this new series, this one is definitely the best one so far. Definitely better than the Series 7 episode. Catchlove was a greatly acted villain. Obviously the character is awful and despicable but the actor who plays him really sold the part well for me. There are a few Classic Who references at the end but I won't spoil it for you. It will make a bit more sense whenever you get to see more Classic Who stuff in the future.