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Mega LINK:https://mega.nz/#P!AgHOpiRImEtrb7sOs_25bGAMg9iYMtF3UqD_TM0VcmSToW5icNAhw5mev9gsjSrMGnT-Ep5Srb7uWEDv-9mCjzvxcef7ZHkQRgQ3Z-5qKb63-f5yocOxy1-vb7ULJXCZ196CAvz6cXA

Password: otherboy

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gYON8uy3s8KQ-30Gab4IyM0NoME_tMel/view?usp=drivesdk


Paul Fisher

I think you misunderstood some parts of the timeline. Perhaps I can help clear it up. The text on the screen at the beginning of the episode identified the opening scene of Isaac in the store as "Our World, December 1966," so it wasn't the 1950s as you suggested (color TVs weren't on sale in the 1950s and were only beginning to become popular in 1966.) The Christmas tree and Christmas music in the store were meant to reinforce the idea that this took place in December. The date was further emphasized by the camera lingering on the date shown on Isaac's letter from "Star Publishing": Dec. 15, 1966. That's the day Walt Disney died. Hence, the statement by The Apprentice that the previous author had just passed away. I love this subtle bit of information! Also, Isaac never time traveled to meet Cruella. In that episode, he mentioned to her that she lived in a realm that was perpetually London of the 1930s. So her realm would look the same whether he went there in 1966, 2014, today, or any other day.