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Jay palmer

Hey there just wanted to ask Are you done with The Magicians or is it on hold?Forgive me if you already answered this.


I’m taking a break from The Magicians. I’ll get back into it eventually

Henry from CO

What a wonderful surprise! A two parter! Too exciting.

Ian Smith

You were SO CLOSE to switching off before the final scene in the Tardis :D (Several other reactors fell foul of that false ending.) Yes,the Cyberman at the end that the Doctor saluted was The Brigadier. He was a beloved character in the Classic series;and I'm still not sure how I feel about him ending up as a flying Cyberman! Other than that,this was a story full of strong ideas ,mixed liberally with terrible ones. They sort of cancel each other out,and I'm left with an occasionally emotional but rather empty Finale. The best thing is the low-key final few minutes,which work really well imo.


Man, I have mixed feelings about this one, but rewatching it honestlyyyyy it might be my favorite Doctor Who finale. There's some stuff in it that doesn't land at all. The Kate Stewart/Brigadier stuff I don't particularly like, Danny in the Cybermen costume honestly is enough to take me out of it, the part where the Doctor gives the remote to Danny as the "solution" is pretty poorly done. The plot is also kind of bad, but I do like that at a certain point, the story is just the characters. DESPITE all of that, there's just so much I love about this episode even though the flaws are pretty glaring. I love Danny and Clara's relationship stuff here. I cried so much at that. I love the Doctor and Missy's dynamic and her challenging who he is. Seeing all four of them exchange ideas and fuck with each other and challenge each other in different ways is just so entrancing for me. After so much push and pull between the Doctor and Clara, I really like this "ending" for them. I just adore the idea of their toxicity and lying being so bad that the way they go out is by lying to each other because both of them have learned that lying for the sake of people they care about is alright. It just really shows how fucked up they are and I like that. I definitely think Series 8 gets better on the rewatch once you know where they're going. They definitely throw a lot at the wall this season, and I know a lot of people who, upon revisiting, enjoy it much more.

Daniel Reynolds

Great reaction! You do seem to be warming to twelve now slightly, which is amazing to see. Without any spoilers, his character development just gets better and better from here on in imo. Quickly became my favourite Doctor, excited for you to continue your journey with him😊


This was a complicated story but I did enjoy the payoff even if it got a bit muddy. Missy bringing Clara and the Doctor together, Danny sacrificing himself while it didn’t make much sense, the doctors speech and him starting to come to terms with his identity. The final scene between Clara and the Doctor was quite beautiful. They both lied but it was so they could both move on without pressure like you said. You could see they were both so sad about saying goodbye. As toxic as they can be like Missy kind of mentioned their relationship at its core is sweet somehow.


"Love is not an emotion, it's a promise." That's how the Doctor explains to Missy that Danny is able to protect Clara even with his emotions inhibited. *shrugs* Definitely not very realistic but I can see the message they were going for lol. My favorite part this episode is when the Doctor finally faces himself and has a breakthrough: I'm not a bad man, I'm not an officer, I'm not a hero, I'm just an idiot. This Doctor struggled with understanding his own identity since he regenerated so it was a very satisfying scene for me. My other favorite scene is the "a hug is just a way to hide your face" scene. Their facial expressions that they hide from each other with that hug kill me every time. It's a shame that just when the Doctor finally understands himself and thus *truly* realizes how important Clara is to him, he lies to her because he thinks he is protecting her happiness with Danny. Yeesh. Clara also lies because she thinks that that "lonely man" (as she called him when she chewed him out in the moon episode) finally has a home and will no longer be alone. So both are lying to "free" the other from themselves because they think the other is better off without them. Agh. Love it and hate it at the same time haha.


Oh and I think the reason Missy put the Doctor and Clara together is because she wanted someone the Doctor would go to the extremes for, someone who would have him so wrapped around her finger ("the control freak" vs "the man who can't be controlled") that he would do anything for her or anything she would think to ask of him. He would "go to hell" for Clara. He would kill Missy for Clara ("to save her soul, but who might save yours?"). etc. It was Missy's convoluted way of controlling the Doctor using Clara. If Missy could indirectly make the Doctor to go the extremes for Clara (to kill for her or command an army to protect her, etc), than Missy would "win", she would prove the Doctor is like her (a killer, a destroyer, etc).

Lloyd B

I seem to recall Peter Capaldi being asked to sum up series 8 in 3 words at a convention before the series came out. Hi response was something like “everyone lies” ( I know that’s not exactly what he said, but it sums up his answer). When you look at the 3 way relationship between the Doctor, Clara and Danny, each of them is lying to the other to some degree, or hiding their feelings or truths in order to protect the other. Less so Danny, apart from his huge secret about his accidental killing of the child in war, but I think that counts for a lot. The final scene here where both Clara and the Doctor lie to the other in order to protect them so they can live their lives, is heartbreaking but at the same time shows how much each one cares for the other. Also, Missy is wonderful in this Gomez is great at being both comic and terrifying at the same time. Her little “Hey Missy, you’re so fine” song was off the cuff improvisation, and always delights me. And her “popping” of poor Osgood (another favorite character) demonstrates just how horrid and dangerous/deranged she is. You weren’t the only one to cry “No!” when Osgood died. The next Christmas special happens to be one of the best they’ve done, and I’m so looking forward to your reaction to that, as well as the Doctor’s progression through series 9.


This brings on so many complex emotions for me. I both hate and love what they did to the Danny character. At first I thought it was cheap and tasteless to kill him off screen. It wasn't till later I came to believe that it might heavily imply that Missy had something to do with his death. As perhaps Danny, from an outside perspective, was in danger of coming between Clara and The Doctor. I still hated that he died but it now felt a little different about it when considering this notion. Killing Osgood, that just didn't seem to serve the plot at all. Other than to state the obvious that The Master is madder than a box of frogs. The emotions beat the cyberman element has often been flimsily executed for me. This is the one time when I really appreciated that tried and tested mantra. Just my take on it. Love isn't an emotion but a promise. He promised to always protect her and so when the inhibitor was switched on. He might no longer feeling anything, but that wasn't going to stop him from keeping his word. I do wish The Doctor had been written to show Danny a bit more respect. It did however play well in to the animosity between the two. Oh when Danny called The Doctor a blood soaked General. I do love how the differing perspectives are served on soliders and officers. Interesting it was both an ex solider and ex officer who defied the collective orders of the Cybermen army. Ending with them lying to each other. At the time I wasn't a massive fan of that. Seething with emotions, I didn't precieve it the same way I do now.


I'm afraid Danny is probably gone as he said "this place is dying" to Clara about the Nethersphere. The Doctor's decision to lie to Clara at the end was clearly motivated by kindness, and might perhaps be a bit of a turning point for him. Maybe. I can't remember much about the early part of season 9. 😀 I loved the Santa thing at the end when I first watched it. After all that bleakness, to have *Santa* of all people come and offer to try to help out felt like a welcome note of hope to me, extremely silly though it was!

Mark Ward

I remember Danny not being that well received at the time, but when I read the comments these days, most people seem to really like him and are gutted by his story arc. I like the arc, even though it is incredibly depressing. The ending where he let's the little boy live is the bit that gets me the most.. Samuel Anderson is such a cutie too. But Missy is a fabulous addition to the show - and Michelle Gomez is phenomenal. She just gets the chaotic evilness that the Master personifies, even better than John Simm did. So there are moments that I love in this episode, despite it not being perfect.

Sufyaan Kazi

Missy was so evil in this, on that plane !!! Then some other stuff happened in the episode too ......