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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

White Out- Thank you so much for your reaction for another fun episode from season four's Frozen arc!! I really enjoy this episode overall, mostly for the present day storyline between Hook and David working together to save Emma from being trapped in the ice wall with Elsa, as well as for Emma and David helping Elsa to find it in herself to save herself and Emma, and to regain control over her magic. This episode has its flaws and some storylines that don't necessarily make too much sense, but I still really do enjoy it nonetheless. I agree with you that Anna is a bit annoying throughout this episode in regards to how she talks to David, and it is strange that they do ignore the fact that Bo Peep most likely would come back the next day with more of her army. She is a dangerous warlord in this part of their world after all. And yes... I also agree with you in regards to Belle not standing up to Rumple when he talks cruelly about Emma and refuses to help. Now... one of my favorite moments in this episode is between Emma and Hook, as Hook jokes with her about their non dates and attempts to convince her to go out on a real one with him. They're so adorable together and I just adore Hook's humor, smugness, and of course... his smolder. Lovely. :) Second... I absolutely love Killian's soft side, when he shows real emotion such as fear, sadness, and most of all... how he shows how much he truly loves Emma as he shows all throughout this episode, and in the end when he's finally able to help Emma climb out from within the wall and immediately embraces her firmly with relief, then lovingly picks her up into his arms to carry her off so he can help make her warm again. So beautiful. And then... another of my absolute favorite moments within this episode is the moment when David is telling Anna in the past storyline about his father and how he died, and why David is so adamant about not fighting back against Bo Peep and her small army. It's a very emotional scene and again... Josh Dallas acts so beautifully in this scene. You can really feel the emotion coming from him. Such a sad tale. Also... I love that this show touches on the subject of alcoholism too. It's definitely a tough subject to address, and it was really well done within this episode. Now, speaking of Bo Peep... I have to admit that when it was first revealed that Bo Peep of all people was made into a villain for Once Upon a Time... I was shocked. And most people from what I've heard since this episode first aired, don't like her character at all. I think she's fun and it's interesting to see this show's take on her character. She has her moments, and by the end of this episode, I realized I liked her even more than I did in the beginning, despite how others feels about her. Bo Peep is a little fiery and funny at times. I never would have thought a nursery rhyme character like Bo Peep could have ever been made a villain, but once again... Once Upon a Time has succeeded in not only creating an interesting character, but also in casting the right actress to play her as well. She's not at all the kind of character you would picture to be Bo Peep, but for me... she strangely works a little bit. And I like her all the more in her brief scene in Storybrooke between her, David, and Hook inside her chop shop. Now... I really love the overall past storyline between David and Anna in spite of Anna's naivety, and boy is it different to see Charming, before he becomes Charming of course, and with such long hair. And I have to say that I was a bit surprised that it is Anna of all people who was the person who not only taught David how to fight, but who also helped to make him the man we love him as today. And yet... it also works really well for me and Anna is pretty amazing in this episode. I really love how she is the one who not necessarily teaches David just about how to swordfight, but that her lessons are more about how he must fight for what he loves in order to survive if he has any hope of living. And I really love this lesson throughout this episode. It could be said about every one of us as people. We must fight for what we believe in and love in order to live. Quite a powerful sentiment. Like I said in my comments before... I love how perfect Elizabeth Lail is in the role of Anna especially, just as I love Georgina Haig as Elsa and Scott Michael Foster as Kristoff, who was sadly not in this episode. However, I love that David right away knew Anna, or Joan rather, is Kristoff's fiancée and I love that Kristoff and David were friends before this storyline too. I really would love to see their friendship established and brought more into another episode. Oh... and I love that Anna taking on her fake name of Joan... comes from the moment in the Disney movie... Frozen, when Anna talks to the painting of Joan of Arc on the wall of their palace during her song she sings in the beginning of the movie... For the First Time and Forever. I also love Joan of Arc. For me... she's the historical figure I admire more than any other. Fabulous!! :) And then... David at last stands up to Peep and her men, and wins after a brief, yet exciting sword battle in which even Bo Peep herself fights too, saving himself, his mother, their farm, and Anna from the warlord too. It does seem strange and feels off that David would be able to beat Peep and her two soldiers after only a single day of lessons. However, I didn't take it too seriously, which allowed for me to enjoy it that much more. As for the present day storylines... I really love each of the scenes between Emma and Elsa while they're trapped together inside the ice wall. These women act well off of one another very well and I like how Emma soon comes to see that Elsa created the ice wall out of fear and couldn't actually control her powers despite Elsa trying to be threatening. I also love seeing Hook and David work together throughout the episode to find those who can help them save Emma, as well as Elsa once David realizes who Elsa and Anna are. I enjoy the brief scene between them in Gold's shop with Gold and Belle, as well as I love the scene between David, Hook, and Bo Peep in the present day, inside her Chop Shop. Next... I also really love Henry's drive to help make Regina feel better, and while he's depressed for most of the episode because Regina isn't able to face him for awhile after what happened between her and Robin, I love the brief scene between them in the end too, as Henry refuses to let her push him away any longer. I also enjoy the silly side storyline with Mary Margaret as she takes up the role of Mayor for now, as she works to try to get the power back up. And I think it's hilarious how she finally breaks down and yells at Grumpy, Happy, and Granny for all their bickering. Very funny. Oh... and baby Neal is so cute!!!! :) As for David's encouragement towards Elsa to help give her the courage and strength she needs to break a whole through the ice wall to save herself and Emma, just like he knew Anna would do if she were there... I love it. Another strong and powerful moment, as well as touching. I love the scene with Hook, Emma, Henry, David, Elsa, and Mary Margaret in the end. I love that Hook helps Emma to get warm by wrapping her up in blankets and turns the heater on her once the power comes back on. I love how comforting and loving he is towards her. And Henry too when he offers to make his mom hot cocoa and states he refuses to go down a second mother, like he fears he's done with Regina. I also really like how David helps Elsa by showing her Peep's shepherd's crook so they can try to find Anna, and yet that they only discover she's simply alive upon hearing her heart beating through the crook's power. I also love how David tells her that the Charming family doesn't eve like to give up trying to help people. And lastly... a new mysterious character has been introduced in the very last scene of the episode, as Grumpy buys himself some ice cream from the town's ice cream shop and the woman who owns it. And surprise, surprise... she has icy magic too, just like Elsa. Interesting. Yes... Elizabeth Mitchell has come to Storybrooke. I've seen this actress in many shows and movies too, and sometimes she's really good, and other times, her characters can annoy me too. Overall, I really love her as an actress. And she's really phenomenal as this new apparent villain. I'm excited for you to get to know her. :) Thank you again, so much! Your reaction for this episode was fun to watch. I really love the overall themes throughout this episode, teaching us to fight to live and not simply to survive. It's beautiful and powerful too. :) Until the next episode... Sincerely, Heidi