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Henry from CO

This episode, and Capaldi transforming into Twelve, and there's no turning back. I really look forward to Brandon's reaction, and to the rest of the series.


Joy! A top episode for many, and it's one many fans like to see people react to. I'm so happy you thought it was beautiful and enjoyed the performances and the story. And as always, your post-episode thoughts are so engaging. I love your discussion about fear, humanity, and companionship. I can't remember now tbh, but if I had to pick, I think this is the episode that solidified 12 and Clara as my favorite Tardis pair. Somewhere between his constant digs at her looks/appearance, Clara comforting the young Doctor, "I don't take orders, Clara"/"Do as you are told," and their hug. It's like they are both slowly learning to really see the other, and we as viewers are learning too. It's a process. Highs and lows and in between.


Oh and I forgot to say I also love your discussion about Danny and the Doctor's similarities. You don't miss a thing!


Doctor Who always excels when it (although frustratingly!) keeps the monsters entirely within a mystery, with us never seeing them. This one has the icing on top with the emotional conclusion, too! I used to be a little 50/50 on this one, but I've really come to like it since


Also, I believe the soldier Clara gives The Doctor is the one she got from Orson, as he gave it to her in an earlier scene

Daniel Reynolds

Waking up to this was a wonderful birthday gift 🥰

Lloyd B

This is one of my all time favourite episodes, and very close to perfection in my opinion. I love the fact that we never see a monster, and that in fact there may never have been a monster - it can be interpreted both ways. The creature under the blanket may well have been a kid, or something more sinister. The knocking and other noises in the ship at night might have been a creature, or may well have just been the hull cooling etc. I also love the Doctors speech to Rupert about scared being a super power - its just such a relatable moment. And Clara's speech to the child Doctor (assuming that was him) is beautiful and moving. Also, the line "Fear makes companions of us all" is a quote from the first Doctor in the third ever episode of the show in 1963. It's actually a slight misquote, as the original line was "Fear makes companions of all of us", but who's counting!😉 And there's no mystery or time loop about the toy soldier. It was originally young Rupert's from tbe children's home, and was passed down to Orson, who then handed it to Clara, who gave it to the Doctor. I like to think it is somewhere in ge Tardis, possibly wi t h his cradle.


Another great post episode analysis. This is a standout episode of any series. Glad you liked it. Always gets me when Clara is talking about The Doctor coming back to this barn one day. 🥲

Ian Smith

This is certainly one of the stronger episodes; although it does tend to go around in confused temporal circles in its latter half. Nonetheless,this is the episode that cements 12 as The Doctor, imo. THIS is who he is.


I think the only answer that we can assume about the toy soldier is; timey wimey 😂 Love this episode, one of the standouts of this series. The shot of Capaldi on top of the Tardis at the start is one of my favs. Clara and 12s relationship continues to blossum


I’m still not understanding the toy soldier. It’s the same toy soldier that Clara was talking about with young Rupert aka Danny. It was passed down through generations to Orson, who gave it to Clara. But Clara then went to the PAST to see the young Doctor and gave him the same toy soldier that is meant to end up in the hands of young Rupert aka Danny in the future, the Doctor’s future. There is no way young Rupert could have the toy soldier unless the Doctor himself put it in his room at some point.

Adam C Turek

It's never established whether the hidden creatures are real or not, but apparently many years before this Steven Moffat wrote a short story called "Corner of the Eye" about short humanoid beings that hide in plain sight. I think your right about being able to travel to Gallifrey, as it was a fixed point in time it was probably destined to happen. Plus the Doctor knows messing around with your own timeline can cause issues in reality so the last thing he could do was visit his own, the damage would be Universal.

Mark Ward

I love the ideas in this episode, but at the same time feel there's something that doesn't QUITE come together in it for me... I really enjoy the Clara/Danny relationship (which I'm not sure is a popular opinion) but it helps me enjoy Season 8 as a whole. But tbh, with the exception of one episode, I really like the rest of this season (and not actually the one that most people dislike, which I actually quite enjoy).

Sufyaan Kazi

Step 1, you let me know on you tube your in season 9 on Patreon, step 2 I become a Patreon, step 3, I jump straight to this episode because it's amazing 🙏 The_judge No in fact, as you said, it's beautiful