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Great reaction as always! I agree with you how frustrating it was that Jocelyn kept being blindsided by facts. That was something that annoyed me, too. Not only that she doesn’t seem to have dug very deep into her clients’ lives, but that everyone is keeping stuff from her as well. Every detail matters but they still kept secrets, and it makes the prosecution look unprepared and unable to rebut the allegations. I feel like there could’ve been a better way to portray that the defense has an upper hand without making the prosecution look THAT bad, especially when Jocelyn’s supposed to be this unrivaled, crazy successful lawyer. Oh well. To answer your question about the bank statements, Ollie didn’t rat anyone out. If you remember that scene the morning after where the lawyer was in the kitchen/dining room with that soccer ball mug, she was rifling through papers on the dining room table. That’s where the bank statements were and where she got her info. Quite convenient that they were in plain view and happened to show the payment Ellie made, but hey, that’s television 😄


Lol oh yeah that’s right! They even showed it in the recap but I spaced out😂 Ok but Olly was still reckless to sleep with a defense lawyer when she had everything to gain.


Oh 100%, completely irresponsible. While it’s unclear whether that info is the make-or-break evidence when there’s so many other holes, it was a huge blow to the prosecution. And all because Ollie couldn’t keep it in his pants for a few more days.


It may not be PC to say, but Olly is a whore. Fleabag is the worst, except when Mark is being the worst. Having watched this through a couple of times, the court stuff is so frustrating and poorly written that it weakens this season for me overall. Chris Chibnall writes great law, but not so great order. There are so many other things that could have been done or said by the prosecution, from getting witnesses as to when Joe's injuries occurred, even from medics that saw to him, to prepping their witnesses better so that they can respond to accusations that are totally foreseeable. I'm one that totally thinks Tom killed Danny in my head canon. (although the show doesn't really support it) It's totally the actor. He's just the shadiest kid. The local coroner may have missed an actual cause of death as he mentioned that they rarely get murders in this small community. It would definitely explain why Joe suddenly decided to plead not guilty. On another note, this time around I've decided that Hardy never slept with Claire. I think he felt protective of her at first having taken her for the abortion and all, but based on the way he totally Mr. Bates it to cover for his wife even though she cheated, I don't think he'd be so unethical as to sleep with a witness who he felt he was protecting. (Totally watching a Downton reaction and wondering what is with the British TV dudes covering for their shitty wives).


Omg I love Downton! Olly is so annoying, but I would’ve hooked up with him too if I was Waller-Bridge😂


Oh, the actor is a cutie (and he's way buff and nekkid in Bridgerton). But the character is such a little horndog. He even told his MOM that he'd totally hit Becca Fisher. lmao