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If you're confused on when to watch the originals,and already have a lot of shows that you are reacting to...then you could even watch the originals after finishing tvd.....it doest spoil the watching experience at all,and many reactors have done it......also people say that there are many spoilers in tvd regarding the originals,which is just not true..there is just one small crossover between the shows on season 7 ep 14,and that's it...so you could definitely watch originals after tvd if you dont have the time now. (its not the best option but you could do it for convenience)


i would not wait to watch the originals after you finish vampire diaries because there will be certain things/plots/characters that go together with both shows AT THE SAME TIME! No spoilers of course but it would be best to start the originals when you start season 5 of the TVD! Thats the way it was actually on tv too so it makes sense :)


Uhmm like what? Lol there is literally no mention or spoilers for the originals on tvd wtf u talkin bout....and I am not saying that he should watch the originals after tvd..I just said its an option because reactors have a lot of reactions to deal with and they dont have much time...tons of reactors have done it and it literally spoils nothing


This was super fun! I’ve never rewatched this episode (only the actual Originals pilot) so this was really interesting to watch. There are a lot of great emotional moments. I agree with u that the scene between Klaus and Camille was really beautiful - you could tell how much it was affecting him. I also love his scenes with Elijah. As per usual, Elijah is always speaking facts. I think the moment where Katherine explains how alike her and Klaus are is also really interesting, especially when she says they are both alone and secretly hate it. Your questions are great and you’re thinking about a lot of important things! Can’t wait for you to eventually get started on that show. But for now, we gotta deal with the Elena situation :) Until next time.


Also just so you're not confused during the originals season 1 episode 1: it is ALMOST the exact same thing as this episode but there are a few new scenes in it that are not in this episode of TVD back door pilot :)


Klaus never got anyone pregnant before because he didn't become a hybrid until he broke the curse in season 2


I agree that optimal enjoyment would be to watch them simultaneously, but if he can't do so, watching The Originals after TVD doesn't spoil any major plots at all. I essentially finished TO after finishing TVD and it didn't affect anything!

Megan Brady

I agree, if you don't have the time to add another whole show, you could maybe alternate between TVD Season 5 and The Originals Season 1 e.g. one week react to TVD and the following The Originals. That way you can still watch them simultaneously without adding anything new to your schedule. I agree that although TVD doesn't really have many major spoilers about TO, it does have a few storylines that line up with TVD, which you'll hear about. I think thew ideal watching experience would be side to side, but up to you of course!

Megan Brady

To explain it more, the hybrid is the loophole in supernational procreation. I think that's how it works. Not super sure whether werewolves can reproduce after triggering their curse though, we know they can beforehand of course since they're practically human.

Megan Brady

That's a really good point! it makes a lot of sense.


Yeah I agree with James Jordan there are spoilers for major things !


pretty sure they can when they triggered there curse !


Great reaction! I remember at the end of season 3 you uploaded all the last episodes the same day and was just wondering if you would be able to do that again, of course only if you have the time etc but for me it’s so interesting to watch you react to them all one after the other to see the finale!


his (Klaus) werewolf party was dormant for almost 1,000 years,so so he could not reproduce and fertilize anyone. he hasn't slept with anyone since he broke the curse

suveemi (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 22:06:44 But with arguing it was the Vickings time when Klaus grew up and Esther not knowing better etc. so Mikael tortured Klaus you could say this to everything. The slave period like you talked about Marcel who must be so traumatized, it was the time in your Vickings logic ... Like the others said, when he was a hybrid they put the curse on him -> even more torment ...
2021-01-27 09:56:08 But with arguing it was the Vickings time when Klaus grew up and Esther not knowing better etc. so Mikael tortured Klaus you could say this to everything. The slave period like you talked about Marcel who must be so traumatized, it was the time in your Vickings logic ... Like the others said, when he was a hybrid they put the curse on him -> even more torment ...

But with arguing it was the Vickings time when Klaus grew up and Esther not knowing better etc. so Mikael tortured Klaus you could say this to everything. The slave period like you talked about Marcel who must be so traumatized, it was the time in your Vickings logic ... Like the others said, when he was a hybrid they put the curse on him -> even more torment ...

Andrea Dcosta

What a beautiful scene between Klaus and Camille. I haven’t watched The Originals myself so don’t know much about the show but I know one thing it’s still one of the top 10 best shows on Netflix and that’s saying something. Can’t wait for the last 3 episodes for season 4 TVD it’s gonna be super fun. This season has 23 episodes btw one extra 😄🙂


I think the difference with Klaus is that it’s not like his father who abused him stopped hunting him 1000 years ago and he had that time to heal. Instead he’s been running and paranoid looking over his shoulder for the entire time. His dad only just died in TVD Season 3 I think so it’s only after that time that he can be truly free.

Léa Dos Santos

I love this episode so much. Will you watch TVD and TO at the same time or wait until you finish the TVD ?


Keeping human beings as slaves for 400 years and then keeping them down with continued racism even after they’re freed up to this day is nowhere near the same as what I’ve seen so far with Klaus. I haven’t seen real abuse from Mikael yet. I’ve seen discipline. All he did was knock his grown son around who was playing around with swords when they lived in a time of survival and didn’t have time for messing around. I’ve only heard of Mikael’s abuse which is kind of a spoiler because it has not been shown yet. If Mikael beat, raped and kept his son in chains then we can compare it to slavery.

Janeka Rector

I cannot wait for you to get to TO, whenever you get to it. :) I will say nothing spoilery. When it’s all over, I hope there’s a conversation about the best characters on the show.


Yeah I mentioned that in my reaction if you go back and watch. His dad hated him but I’m guessing he wouldn’t have chased him if Klaus hadn’t murdered his own mother.


Yeah you did I’m sorry I like to comment whilst watching instead of after. I have to stop doing that!


It's hard for me to respond to that because of spoilery reasons. But we see in TVD that his father despised Klaus since a child; long before Klaus killed his own mother and Mikael killed Klaus' real father and his family. 🙂


Right, but I feel like Mikael would only go after Klaus specifically for 1000 years because he murdered his wife and mother of his children. If there’s more to it then I’ll have to wait and see. I’m sure Mikael was an awful dad but Klaus murdered his mother, of course Mikael would want revenge especially if he hated him to begin with. But if Klaus hadn’t killed her Mikael probably would’ve avoided Klaus all this time since he despised him.

Kyla B.

I haven't even watched yet, but I wanted to give some thoughts before I do. Because I can just bet the comments are FULL of spoilers. I'm so sorry if they are. Ever since it was made clear that you're not gonna fall for the direction the show leads the audience. And that you wouldn't be so easily enthralled by the character the writing WANTS us to be, I have been WAITING for this episode!! I"m so excited!!! Yes it is an intro to some of my favorite characters. But the anticipation for your thoughts on them!! I shouldn't be this giddy but I AM!!

Kyla B.

So I can't say anything that isn't in the comments already. Or that doesn't back into spoiler territory. Because I LOVED this reaction so much! You hit a lot more on the head than you might think. That's ALL I can say. What I'll agree on is in the comments. True Blood is ending in 2 episodes and so is TVD Season 4. I'm only suggesting because it makes sense and that way you're not confused at certain points that you would be if you choose to wait.

C. Alexander

It is very intriguing that the thing Klaus seems to be more afraid of is to be weak, to be seen as weak, to be summited, that people think they can summit him, control him or manipulate him. Elijah can accept weakness in exchange for happiness. Klaus seems to be afraid of a lot of things, to be alone, to not be loved, cared for, value, but I think that his greatest fear of all, which seems to haunts him, is to be weak. The way he lashes out when someone just simply it, or try to make him look like it. You are right about the Viking character in him, the opposite to weakness is to show dominance, to scream louder, fight harder, attack before anyone else, to give the illusion to others and to himself that he is in control and until the very end he is the master of his own life, and of his own destruction as well as if he condemns himself no one else does it for him. And I think it has to do a lot with Mikael as he himself said, he made him feel powerless for centuries, it must have started as a child, the need to not to feel like he was weak or out of control, at his father's mercy. And in his perception of weakness to be vulnerable is that, to be weak. That why he goes chasing power, his illusion of safety, if he had an army of hybrid we wouldn't be so alone, and he wouldn't be so vulnerable towards Mikael or anything else, if he is "King" he is safe, he has the control and the power. And I think you are right about traumas being magnified with being a vampire, it makes sense. So Klaus and his sibling, because Mikael was chasing them all, were running for centuries. the reason they could never stay in one place was that he always finds them, Mikael did wanted to kill Klaus more after he killed Esther, but he wanted to kill them all because they were an abomination, after he and his wife turned them into vampires they regretted and wanted to kill them. To undo the evil they created. But like Rebeka said they weren't born killers or evil, their parents did that to them to an extent when they turned them, they didn't saw the darkest consequence of the spell that was to make the predatory monsters with wants to kill. Rebekah killed not by choice but because her impulses kicked in in the flashback we saw, they didn't know what those impulses were, they were the first vampires to exist, the first to go through all that, the emotion being magnified the humanity switch the predatory impulse, it must have been really confusing and hard for all of them. But anyway the thing is Mikael was chasing all of them, and Klaus stopped looking for the doppelganger after Katherine killed herself, that was in the 1400s because she was the last of her bloodline or so they knew. I guess any of them hasn't had the chance to build a life, Rebekah herself has said she hasn't lived at all. Klaus in specific has lived partly in exile from himself and partly in a prison, he himself has built trying to protect himself and his sibling of Mikael. I think Elijah's personality is more mature is because he hasn't built his personality out of deep trauma as Klaus has. The man needs intense therapy. I am not sure of the exact motivation of Klaus to kill his mother, we haven't seen and I don't know if they ever show it the moment he did it, what happened in that room. But what we have been shown and lead to understanding is that Esther cursed him after he became a vampire and triggered his werewolves curse and all her infidelity came to light, she tried to amend it to Mikael by putting the curse in Klaus and his werewolves side. Is interesting that Mikael wanted to make his children vampires so they would be more powerful than the werewolves, and his bastard child that he always hated, turns to be a werewolf part of the original problem and now he is a hybrid, even more powerful than his true children, that must have hit him in his pride hard, and Miakels weakness was his pride. So Esther cursed Klaus, took the thing that for once made him more powerful than Mikael, that could have saved him from him and cursed him, so I don't know if that was the greater reason of why he killed her if the man had enough then if his emotions took the best of him, if he had his humanity on or off, I don't know. In real life kids have killed their parents for abusing them so who knows. I think the originals has great characters to exploit, I would like to know more about Marcel was well too, he seems interesting and I love Elijah's character, I haven't watched the Originals either so it will be fun to see more of these characters.


Elijah seemed to be living his life just fine when we first saw him. Maybe they show flashbacks later but from what I’ve seen Mikael didn’t seem to go after him at all. I also thought Mikael had a scene with Rebekah telling her that he only wanted Klaus and not her.

C. Alexander

Yeah, I think you are right, I do remember but maybe it was Esther saying that they or maybe only she wanted to kill all vampires including her children because they were abominations, If it was only her, Mikael was against killing the rest of them? Interesting question, And did Rebekah knew; did the rest of them knew he wasn't hunting them? Or she only knew it when he told her then if that's so that's very fucked up, to be running thinking your father is trying to kill you. When Elijah was introduced Mikael was in the cemetery in Charlotte, so he wasn't chasing them. But I imagine Elijah must have believed he was being chased too? I do need to see more flashbacks too. It's an interesting story.


Oh that’s right I forgot that Mikael was desiccated for awhile because of Abby. I wonder what Klaus was up to then and if he felt any safer.

C. Alexander

Yeah I wonder too, who knows, I mean he wasn't looking for a Doppelganger anymore, and he wasn't running, why he didn't wake his siblings then? Maybe he didn't feel safe enough. Interesting.

Diego Martinez

Klaus’s werewolf side was dormant due to the curse ester placed on him, making him only a vampire ( who can’t have children) but I guess haley was his first as a hybrid


it hasn't happened before cause Klaus wasn't a true hybrid before. His werewolf side was suppressed until he did the whole sacrifice ritual in 2x21


The witch died to find out if Hailey is pregnant... guess they've never heard of ultrasounds lol.

Franchesca Giglio

omg I love the originals.... and the show haha

Joseph Smith

Loved your reaction and hope you'll react to The Originals soon! I think it's interesting and new (compared to other reactors of this series) that you look at everything in a logical and moral way compared to just loving everything a character does. I also really liked your thoughts on Klaus at the end and I agree that he's not a morally sound character but I think he's interesting.


When will the next episode be uploaded

Jess The Fox

I’m so excited for more!!! You have the best reactions, seriously. Can’t wait to see the next episode! 😁💕


I was just referring to what we have seen in TVD because even though I watched TO I can't really remember anything haha ! But I was just referring to you making excuses for Esther didn't do anything and that it was the time period and I was just saying that with this kind of logic you can basically "defend" any time period. You don't know anything that happed to Marcel still you "defend" him and say he has come over it quickly and so on. But with Klaus were you have seen, that he fears Mikael and we heard from other siblings that Mikael never liked Klaus you just think it is discipline.


He was the result of his wife cheating on him, he hated Klaus and I'm quite sure he would have hunted him down maybe together with Esther (she also wanted them all to die)


On that note didn't Rebekah say you would be fools if you wake him or anything like that. She was just awake for a few days did Klaus already tell her because otherwise she could not know this.


She thought Mikael was after her as well because Klaus told her that he was chasing both of them and that Mikael killed the mother I thought


Marcel has gotten over his trauma quickly. I don’t know how maybe by magic, but yes he has found a way to get over it enough so that he can form a community and he’s younger than Klaus. Klaus killed his own mother so of course Mikael would chase him forever. Also I didn’t say it was only discipline. I said I’ve only SEEN discipline. I haven’t seen the abuse that everyone is talking about.


Have I missed anything in the last episode there was never a mention about Marcels background ? Don't get me wrong Klaus has issues and has to get over it (this is not me defending him) but I find it hard comparing these two when you don't have info on Marcel. I personally don't think that Mikael chased him because he killed Esther I rather think it is his hatred for him because he is not his own son he wanted him to be gone. But yeah Marcel is way more emotionally stable than Klaus and his build his empire which is really cool but I don't like that he is suppressing the other species in New Orleans (made the werewolfs leave and don't allow the witches to use their magic at all. I think this is the work of a person who is afraid of the other supernatural people ....


Of course Marcel still has problems my point is he has found some way of putting his issues aside to at least create the kingdom, family, community that he wants and he’s much younger than Klaus. No you didn’t miss anything about Marcel’s past I’m just using my brain and my eyes and ears to infer that Marcel is pretty well adjusted considering he had a rough traumatic past. Klaus said Marcel was in the streets and was whipped so I assumed he had a hard life. Also he was alive at least 100 years ago and that was a hard time to be black. I’m comparing the two men because it’s my job to give my opinion with the info I have. 🤷🏽‍♂️ If I’m wrong I will find that out on my own. No big deal. It’s a show


Yeah I'm there with you ! I was so confused but thinking about just putting 2 an 2 together was not in my head haha its 7am and I just woke up after a not so good night :D And I wasn't telling you if your opinion is wrong or so, I really like your thoughts about the character and the show and and love the moments when more history is revealed.


The reason he never got anyone pregnant before was because his werewolf side was suppressed by the curse he broke in season 2


I don't think Mikael gave a crap about the mom maybe he did at some point but Mikael never even mentions her when he is taunting Klaus in 3x9 he isnt like hey you killed your mother I'm avenging her death or something. He just berates Klaus.

Jasmine Yardumian

I am so supportive of your love for Elijah. He is the best