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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Ariel- Another fun reaction like always! :) I love meeting Ariel. Ariel is so cute and sweet. I also love that she's naïve and a little ditsy just like she is in The Little Mermaid too. As annoying as it is that she would be foolish enough to think Snow would be okay with gaining becoming a mermaid without Ariel asking her if it's what she wants... it shows us just how naïve and alien she is to the world above the sea, which I really, really love about her. She's a great new character within Once Upon a Time. Plus... I really love the actress chosen to play her too. JoAnna Garcia Swisher. I think she's absolutely perfect in the role of Ariel. And The Little Mermaid is another one of my all time favorite classic Disney movies along with Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin too, so I was so excited to see how they would be bringing its beloved characters and storylines into Once Upon a Time. I also like Prince Eric a lot too, played by actor, Gil McKinney. He plays the character from The Little Mermaid very well in my opinion, and his look is almost perfect. If you pay close attention to his face, I think they got the casting for him pretty perfect too. I think Eric is adorable with Ariel when they're together at the ball. Prince Eric is charming and very kind, which I love. And I feel like Gil McKinney plays Eric here just like his Disney counterpart. And in regards to Eric falling for Ariel so quickly... Eric has been dreaming of Ariel's face every night when he sleeps and has been for a year now. And while Eric states that he believes it is Ursula sending him dreams of her face, I think it's more because Eric does remember the face of the woman who really saved him from when his ship became shipwrecked in the storm that night. Just like he remembers Ariel from her saving him in the Disney movie too. So, while a part of them falling in love so quickly is because this show is all about fairytales, I believe that a character in a show such as this can fall in love by dreaming of someone for so long and because she saved his life. Now... one of my absolute favorite scenes in this episode, is most definitely between the heroes inside Echo Cave with them all revealing their secrets that no one wishes for the others to know. And they aren't all so much dark, as they are sad as well. And unfortunately, Pan hopes the revelations will lead to friction between them, and the truths most certainly have begun to do just that, even in ways not fully revealed just yet. I absolutely love Hook's sad revelation to Emma... that it's because of her he feels he can love again since Milah, and Emma has certainly changed him for the better. And I feel deeply that it's mostly because she's helped him to find the good man in him whom he buried deep down inside of him for so long that he does love her. Because she's done for him what no one else has ever been able to do for him. Something that Milah never even tried to do for him. And he's most certainly grateful to Emma for reminding him of the good in him and for helping him to bring the good in him back out more than she knows. I absolutely love the idea of Hook with Emma, more so than Emma with Neal. I am definitely a shipper of Captain Swan... Emma's and Killian's ship name. And I have long before anything was ever even established between them. From back when they first met back in season two's episodes... The Doctor and Tallahassee when they climbed the beanstalk together. I've just always loved their chemistry. Between their characters and between the actors playing Emma and Hook as well. And throughout Ariel, the look in Hook's eyes is just so sad, especially even more so later on when we see that he overhears Neal's conversation with Emma once they all make it safely out of Echo Cave, as Neal tells Emma that he doesn't plan to stop trying to win her back. Tragic. In regards to Hook's and Emma's history together and why I feel they are better suited for one another... First, they meet for the first time in season two's episode... The Doctor, when he pretends to be a blacksmith in a ruse he and Cora conjure up tot try to get close to the Princesses so he can learn for Cora all he can about them and Storybrooke. However, Emma senses right away that he's lying and binds him to a tree, which is when he introduces himself as Captain Hook. I really feel Hook and Emma have brilliant chemistry with one another from the get go, and their first meeting makes me think of a classic Hollywood meet-cute... an amusing or charming first encounter between two characters that leads to the development of a romantic relationship between them, that has a Once Upon a Time twist to it in a way that I love. In the next episode titled... Tallahassee, Hook and Emma climb the beanstalk together to face off against a giant to steal the compass and Emma leaves Hook cuffed inside the giants' castle. However, during their adventure, Hook and Emma come to know more about one another as they reveal other truths about themselves, and they have some really beautiful moments, especially with their looks. Then, Hook and Emma just continue to interact adorably off and on throughout season two even though Hook is still very much a villain. And finally in the finale for season two... And Straight on 'Til Morning, Emma is able to understand why Hook wants to leave Storybrooke when it's about to be destroyed by Regina's fail safe, as she tells Hook she understands that he would rather run away to keep everyone at a distance and be alone in order to avoid him getting hurt, which is just what she does too, giving them a common interest. And later, Hook comes back because it means a lot to him that Emma reminded him that he could become a part of something. That he no longer had to be alone like he's been for over two hundred years. So for me... I completely understand Hook's feelings for Emma being as they are and him falling in love with her. Emma's given a lot to him and has changed him from being a villain, back into a good man and friend. The good man he used to be back when his brother was still alive all those years ago, when no one else has ever been able to. It means more to Hook than he's ever let on to anyone. And more and more, he's struggling to reveal this to her. Emma isn't as open to him, but given her past with men, especially with Neal, her inability to connect with any man is completely understandable. But even Emma is more open with Hook than she is with most other people she's known longer than him. Including her own parents and son at times. And in regards to Neal's feelings for Emma and his revelation about never giving up on fighting for her, and Emma's revelation that she's always loved him, but hoped that he really was dead because she can't feel the pain he put her through all over again... I can't help but feel that their feelings for one another haven't really been established in the best way possible, or in a way that I can stand behind. Especially because of the whole Tamara fiasco and her being his fiancée. And of course Neal abandoning Emma and allowing her to take the fall for his crimes, even though we know he did so for good reasons. Of course a part of Emma will always love Neal because she did love him once and remembers being in love with him, and like it is for most people... most first love's or real loves don't ever go away. I absolutely understand this about her. However, when they first saw one another in New York in season two's... Manhattan, Emma was angry and she had every right to be after Neal allowed her to take the fall for the stolen watches, then abandoned her. I really love Emma's confession when she reveals her secret. However, on top of her being angry, hurt, and scared that Neal is still alive, I feel like Emma is really saying that she can't be with him ever again because he broke her heart one too many times, which is true. He had been with Tamara, and may have hurt her for good reasons, but she didn't know this for eleven years and that's a long time to feel like she has because of Neal's choices. Poor Emma. She's really torn up with how she feels towards Neal. Yes... a part of her will always love him, but a part of her is really struggling to forgive him fully for abandoning her years ago despite his good intentions. She also still struggles with her parents abandoning her too, so it's most certainly understandable. I really hope all of this makes sense. In case I confused you about where I currently stand on who Emma ought to be with should she wind up with either of them... I definitely prefer her to choose Hook. To me, they just have better chemistry with one another and even more in common than Emma has with Neal, in spite of Hook being a villain. Now, as for Hook revealing right away to Emma's parents that Neal is alive and in Neverland... I absolutely love it! I am so happy that he does right by both Emma and Neal too, because it puts him in a better light and shows that he's changed from being just the villain he was, and proves that Hook really is a man of honor, or at least that he's trying to be again, as he continues to prove that he isn't the same selfish pirate he first was, that especially David and the others still see him as. I'm happy Emma, Mary Margaret, and David are finally starting to come around to seeing Hook as more too. I also love Emma's, Mary Margaret's, and David's revelations too. Poor Mary Margaret and David. I really love how the truth about David being poisoned by the dreamshade and how Hook really saved him has come out at last. And Mary Margaret's confession about wanting another chance to have a baby because they missed out on seeing Emma growing up... so sad and so beautiful. Sadly, Mary Margaret is very angry now with David for keeping his own secret from her. And I completely understand why she is. David should have told her the truth from the beginning, like Hook kept on urging him to do. And more so... I love that Hook's words of warning that their secrets being revealed are exactly what Pan wants because of the chances they could destroy them... has begun to come to pass. Pan is very sly. :) Next... I love how Emma tells Mary Margaret in the beginning of the episode that she kissed Hook. It's not only a sweet mother/daughter moment shared between them, but I love that Emma is starting to think about Hook enough to want to share a moment she had with him with her mother. However, this moment is much, much more than that. It's just like I said in my comments after Good Form... Emma had kissed Hook in a sudden moment so she could avoid feeling anything about Neal's death and being so scared for Henry. She kissed him because she was feeling vulnerable and grateful to him, and she fell for his flirtations in a very spur of the moment kind of moment. However, I feel like now that Emma fears Neal might still be alive after all, she's worried about how Neal will react if he were to learn about this shared kiss between her and Hook, and that he's going to try to get back with her. She's also worried about what she still might feel for him too. She now has conflicted emotions and feelings towards both men, especially now that she also suspects Hook has feelings for her too, which is confirmed for her later on when Hook reveals his secret. I think that's really more the problem than anything else. She's also worried about Hook's feelings towards her and worries about how he will act now that Neal is alive again. She suspects he'll worry that she will choose to be with Neal over him and she's afraid that he would leave once and for all, or go back to being a villain again if she's not careful with how she handles his feelings for her. I hope all of this makes sense as well. Sorry for rambling on so long. And in regards to Mary Margaret's extra positivity this season so far... I feel it's because she's trying so hard to overcompensate because Emma is once again calling her Mary Margaret instead of Mom, and because Emma feels like an orphan and Mary Margaret is desperately trying to show Emma she isn't any longer. She's so desperate, that she's trying a little too hard to be so hopeful, positive, and the perfect mother she thinks Emma wants and needs. And this is a part of who Snow White/Mary Margaret is, which I love about her. Once again in the backstory... I love how Ariel does the right thing to save Snow from Regina, and in doing so, that Regina steals her voice so she can't tell Eric she loves him. So sad and so cruel on Regina's part. But I absolutely love this whole twist on The Little Mermaid throughout the episode with Regina stealing Ariel's voice, and pretending to be Ursula to trick Ariel. I continue to love it when our characters take on multiple roles from other fairytales that aren't their own. But I also love that Ursula turns out to be real too, and in this revelation, it shows Ursula in the form of a statue. However, this isn't because Ursula is the statue, but because she reveals herself to Regina through the statue's form, as though her spirit possesses the statue. A part of this is also because the creators had yet to find an actress to play Ursula at this point in the series. So they had to bring her into the show, in a way that doesn't reveal her true form. As for Regina acting as Ursula from Disney's, The Little Mermaid... I absolutely love it! And Lana Parrilla is phenomenal at mimicking Ursula's characteristics and overall demeanor, from her look and her voice, to her body language and her cunning, subtle cruelty. Phenomenal! I also really love how Ariel and Eric, and Eric's Maritime Kingdom all believe that Ursula is nothing more than a myth, or legend and that they pray to her and worship her because she's a Goddess of the Seas. It's brilliant. And lastly... I love Regina teaming up with Rumple, and how Ariel has come into the present day storyline. And now... Ariel is about to head to Storybrooke to get something for Rumple and Regina. Oh... I also love how Regina reveals to Rumple that Belle from his mind was actually Pan's Shadow playing tricks on Rumple to mess with his head. Brilliant! It's kind of sad that Belle wasn't part of Rumple's mind like he believed, but I think it's very clever for her to be another of Pan's tricks used against Rumple. Rumple's scene with Pan is fantastic as well, like they always are. Overall... Ariel is such a good episode from this season, and it is another of my favorite episodes from this Neverland arc. Ariel and Eric are adorable together. :) Thank you so much again!! Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi

Jess The Fox

I’m excited for you to find out more of Rumple and his father. It’s an interesting situation. 💕 Also, I love Hook. 🤣😅