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This ep was so fun to watch! Especially bc I couldn’t remember what happens in it, so I was kind of reacting along with u lol. I feel like there were a few times where u were hoping characters would kill Klaus, but don’t forget that they are all part of Klaus’s sireline, so if he dies, so do they. I’m so glad u loved the Stefan and Rebekah scenes!! I was smiley and giddy the entire time. Her speech about wanting to be human was so sweet and heartbreaking, and I love that Stefan felt sympathy for her. I think the reason Kol didn’t kill Elena right away is bc he wanted to kill Jeremy first. His main goal was to stop them from getting the cure, so that’s what he wanted to prioritize. Also if he had killed Elena, it probably would’ve pushed Jeremy into revenge mode, which would’ve just made it harder for Kol to kill him. Kol is dead omg. And now the mark is complete. Things are really kicking off! They have to not only find the cure in 3-4 days, but also deal with Klaus - he’s obviously VERY mad. And I loved that scene at the end where everything started to escalate. It’s just really interesting to see Stefan like this. Also I 100% agree with you that Elena can’t say SHIT about Stefan getting with Rebekah. She’s not allowed to police him about who he chooses to be with.


I really don't get why elena was judgy and why damon was mad at stefann for locking him...and there is literally moth wrong with stefan sleeping with rebekah.....also o honestly think that kol was the only guy thinking straight,why the hell would you risk the end of the world just to find the cure just for elena, even when she clearly doesn't want it.... klaus's reaction was legit my reaction when they killed kol lmao..also can't wait for you to meet Silas...one of my favourite characters on show..he is definitely underrated


I love this episode. Yeah it was full of action but my favorite parts were the Stefan and Rebekah scenes. I love that it showed more to her. She's a lot more than the stubborn childish and petty girl they've showed before and I'm glad you're starting to see that. I was waiting for this episode.


love this episode!


my favorite part of this episode is the stefan/ rebekah scenes!! they really gave more insight to her character (which i love). kol is dead😳 i was so surprised that they actually managed to kill him lmao elena... she has no right to be mad at stefan for sleeping with rebekah. it’s like she thinks she has a hold on both of the brothers sooo excited for you to meet silas!


I loved the scene where Klaus was asking Damon for dating advice lol. I don’t think there was vervain in the water I think Damon found some vervain in the basement and used it. I’m happy Elena didn’t say anything about Stefan sleeping with Rebekah, her reaction was pretty normal actually and Bonnie had the same reaction so it’s fine if she’s shocked. I think Damon was kinda pissed because Stefan did more than it was necessary to lock him up and was enjoying it and Stefan’s comment about the sire bond plus literally everyone tell him that Elena would go back to Stefan after she takes the cure hurts him to the point where he kinda believed it himself. The brothers seriously need to get everything out and talk and fight if they need to before this feud gets out of hand.


Aside from the Rebekah scenes (which I loved <3), my favorite scenes were the ones with Bonnie. Like, yes queen, the spirits have used and abused Bonnie from the beginning and she's standing up for herself, so screw those dead witches :D Also hahaha I love how you keep forgetting that if they kill Klaus, they all die too because he's the Original that sired them :D


I am dying waiting for the next episode! It’s one of my favourites!! :)


Stefan deserved to get punched. He crossed a red line with that comment to Damon "You've managed to use that sire bond pretty well so far haven't you" insinuating that Damon had like intentionally raped Elena as if Damon knew about the sire bond and commanded her to sleep with him. Look at Bonnie's face when he said that. Even she thought that was going way to far. However mad Stefan is at Damon he has to know that Damon would never do that. I get it Stefan is hurt and mad and people say things they don't really mean when they are angry... he still deserved to get punched in the face lol. You're right, Stefan and Damon need to just get it out of their systems. Before I get 900 hate comments cataloguing every bad thing Damon has ever done that is worse than what Stefan does. I know. Stefan has every reason to be mad. I'm only commenting on Stefan in THIS scene and THIS piece of dialogue. That in my OPINION crossed a line.


They don’t know anything about Silas. They only have Kol’s word that raising Silas will supposedly be the end of the world and Kol has been an extremely unreliable source in the past. I guess they’re willing to take that risk.


they can't kill klaus because of the bloodline!

Aniah Ammah

Damon crossed the line when he shouted Stefan's business to everyone. There was no reason to do it. He does it all time and i never find it funny.

Megan Brady

Hey, whenever you get a chance you should react to the Euphoria special episode that just came out!


I can't express how excited I am for you to see the originals. I love tvd so much but the originals is way better. tvd always had a lot of teen drama while the originals is way more mature and the storylines are incredible.


^^^^ is this happening?!! are you watching the originals or only vampire diaries??


Not going to mention what I agree or disagree with you about but a little surprised you didn't mention the mass genocide of 10s of thousands of innocent vampires for a chance to get the cure. Would have been interesting to hear your thoughts as I liked when you talked about Jeremy not wanting or having to kill the 30 vampires that Klaus turned for him to kill in previous episode. Anyway, still interesting reaction.


I’m not sure what you mean. If you watch my reaction to the previous episode I address that exact subject. I said that it was awful that he had to kill the vamps that Klaus turned but he had no choice since Klaus ordered them to kill Matt. Also it was Kol that murdered all of them