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Vanessa J McNamara

Hi, Chibnall has a fondness for extra characters who sometimes serve no purpose, so great catch on that one. As for the Doctor killing Solomon, the Director said they had in depth discussions about that choice, but I can’t really tell you anymore. I don’t think it’s a spoiler to tell you just to pay attention to the opening credits for the next few episodes. Great reaction, as always!


The Doctor has a general aspiration to avoid killing people, but I think Solomon just *really* pissed him off. The mass-murder of the Silurians, killing that friendly dinosaur, kidnapping and implying that he was going to rape Nefertiti all tipped him over the "I'm done with this guy" edge. The Silurians were from Earth, so I think Siluria may have been a colony planet that the Doctor was aware of. My understanding is that Nefertiti stops being mentioned in the available historical record at a certain point for unknown reasons. Those robots were played by David Mitchell (not the author ;) ) and Robert Webb, who are a comedy duo who have had sketch shows on TV and radio, and a number of TV shows. Here's a quick sketch from their old radio show called Welcome To Hufflepuff - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9n9wswKMec . 😂 David Mitchell is also one of the regulars on a comedy panel show called Would I Lie To You where people tell stories about their lives and their opponents have to guess whether they're lying or not. It's absolutely hilarious, and I recommend checking it out if you have time and want a good laugh. 😀 This wasn't a great role for them, but they've done some funny stuff.

Henry from CO

Hey Brandon, really enjoy the reaction. Such a silly episode that has its critics, but I always found it fun, especially meeting Rory’s dad Brian (“it’s Mr Weasley!”) and the deliciously evil Solomon (done so well by actor David Bradley). So now the Ponds are part time passengers and don’t see the Doctor for months at a time. And for me there’s a different feel about the couple, they’re older now, more mature. But more than that, they are building a normal life and are getting very comfortable with it. Yet they still have great concerns about Eleven’s well being, particularly traveling alone, so I think it made it easier for them to leave this time around knowing that he will pick up additional travelers like Riddell and “Nefe” to keep him company. Yes there is a definitely a different dynamic going on now and I look forward to watching your reactions as it plays out.

Adam C Turek

This isn't a spoiler as it was mentioned at the end of the last season finale. Dorium (the head of the big bald blue guy) told the Doctor The Oldest Question in the Universe: "On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature may speak falsely or fail to give answer, a question will be asked. A question that must never, ever be answered, hidden in plain sight..... Doctor WHO? The fall of the eleventh might suggest our Doctor as he is the 11th Regen... hence why he said "too early"

Dani C

When Solomon killed the triceratops and took Nefertiti - the robots were aiming right at them - any action by the Doctor at that point would have risked the robots shooting one of his companions.