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That image though lmao!!

Henry from CO

For me this is the best of Torchwood. Funny thing is I've never watched this series again, just too painful.

Amy Chlebus

Unfortunately, Steven was the only one who could kill the 456. I absolutely hate it, And I can never watch it. If any of you are curious as to why, I will tell you.


You see what I've been talking about and why I've been dreading it? 😥 It took me ten years to watch it again (which was because of another reaction channel). Time and re-watching seems to have numbed me to it slightly, but it was beyond awful at the time. Traumatic stuff. Yeah, I know what you mean about Peter Capaldi, but from the beginning, he's a completely different character as the Doctor. He seems completely different. You've got less time between watching this and watching him in Doctor Who than we had, but please give him a chance, he becomes one of my favourite Doctors. 🙂Before Doctor Who, I knew Capaldi best as a hilariously foul-mouthed spin doctor in The Thick Of It (a political comedy). 😀 As for Jack, it's so sad that the character who started out so much fun in The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances was put through so much and did so much. I wistfully imagine another world where Christopher Eccleston didn't fall out with people involved in Doctor Who, and Jack stayed with 9 and Rose for a couple of seasons of Doctor Who having fun adventures instead of doing Torchwood. 🙂 The final season of Torchwood is a bit of an odd one as the show got taken over by the American cable network Starz when Russell T Davies moved to America! That has an effect on the feel of the show as you can probably imagine. 🙂


Frobisher was pretty much just a middle man, even the PM said to him "all ive done is put you on the front line, first to fall". He was basically forced to do all these things and chose to believe he was doing his duty to serve. I do believe Bridget when she said he was a good man, pushing papers around being a quiet person.. until aliens invaded and hes put in the firing line. He does take some responsibility for being the face of it all but he really didnt have a choice.. if he wouldve spoken up, his family either wouldve been threatened with going with the 456 or he would be arrested for treason with no way of protecting his family from the 456. One thing to remember about him too is that Peter Capaldi also played a father with 2 children and a wife in Fires of Pompei and the Doctor saved them when he wasnt supposed to... Russel T Davies has said this is "time correcting itself"

Amy Chlebus

I completely agree with what Will said about Peter Capaldi. He is a completely different character than what he played as the Doctor. Please give him another chance. A lot of reactors don't. Because they don't give themselves a chance to really get to know him, they don't really see what he becomes. 12 is my favourite new who Doctor hands down. The reason being is because he is the one who is most like the classic Doctors. I absolutely love classic who.


A very heartbreaking and mentally draining conclusion but it's brilliantly written and wonderfully acted by all the stars in this show. Jack having to sacrifice his grandson is one of the most harrowing thing to watch. I don't blame you for being upset with Jack. Even though there was no choice, you definitely can't look at him the same after that. Seeing the government authroise the sacrifice of the children is also disturbing. Very disturbing to see army take the children. I like how you noticed the parallels with the news broadcasts about children being told to go back to school. Feels very eery when both UK and US governments told kids to go back to school during the current corona pandemic in real life lol. I loved seeing the public fight back against the government and authorities but it was also sad to see them essentially losing the battle. Gwen's speech about The Doctor is also very impactful. During these events, The Doctor is most likely away on an off world adventure as this takes place during the David Tennant specials but it still hits the emotions really deep. Andy taking off his police outfit is also great and a nice symbolism of him going against the people he works for. Johnny (Ianto's brother in law) rallying the neighbourhood to fight back was also great. Same with the government lady solider having a change of heart by releasing Jack. The fact that the 456 uses the kids as drugs is really fucked up. That makes it even more horrifying. I loved how the contact lenses came back into play for exposing more of the government's BS. Lois and Bridget really came through in the end. Sad thing is though, even though the current prime minister is now forced to step down in threat of being exposed, that Denise woman is arguably just as bad as him lol. I kinda wish you didn't know about Capaldi being the doctor so it could have been more of a surprise but its hard to avoid lol. Very heavy and emotional episode. I feel bad for everyone. We lost Ianto, Clem, Frobisher and his family died for nothing and losing Steven is horrific. I feel terrible for Alice. The scream she makes when sees her son's dead body always kills me. So many losses. This is why Series 3 is the best series of Torchwood. Compelling narrative, gripping storyline, great acting with a range of intense and well crafted scenes. They really went out on a high with this series. It helps that Russell was more involved in this series. Jack teleporting at the end actually leads to us seeing him again in David Tennant's last episode as The Doctor in The End of Time Part 2 where he sets Jack up with Alonso. Now you know why Jack was at the bar and looking depressed at first. In my opinion, Torchwood should have ended here since it marked the end of an era with Owen, Tosh, Suzie and Ianto dead as well as the Hub being destroyed and lots of sacrifices and losses caused by the events of the 456. It's tragic but this definitely should have been the final series of Torchwood.

Ian Smith

I understand full well that Torchwood has always been built around uncompromising extremes;which,as a viewer,you need to accept fully in order for the story concepts to work - but.... exactly which human chemical did the 456 need - and how was it able to work on a completely alien physiology? Why was it left to an entirely peripheral character to actually ask the obvious question "why do you need the children?"that had been crying out to be asked from the very beginning;and not Frobisher (the negotiator) or Torchwood? Why did it take them so long to ask;and,upon hearing the answer,why did the authorities not simply say "No!". Why did they go to the extreme (other than for dramatic purposes) of killing Captain Jacks grandson,when they could JUST AS EASILY have evacuated the gas from the aliens life-support chamber? The gas was the 456' giant achilles heel,after all. If evacuation of the gas was not possible,why was no reason given for this? It appears to have been written by people who exclusively equate science-fiction with 'very nasty alien monsters',and on an entirely surface level. IF the viewer can turn aside from all these questions,then it clearly has to be acknowledged that the character writing and performing was exceptional. Peter Capaldi was superb;as was Susan Brown as his Assistant;and Nicholas Farrell as the loathsome PM. Most prominent,though,was Kai Owen as Rhys - who began as nothing more than a bumbling boyfriend way back at the start of Series One;and,by the end of Series Three,had become an exceptionally fine man - and a fitting choice to be (out of all of them) 'the last man standing'. The plot,for all it's ridiculous concepts,had some superbly-devised twists (particularly in the final episode);visually memorable scenes;and a powerful resolution. It's undoubtedly the best series of Torchwood - but the series' uncompromising imperative to 'go for broke' at all times,means that it's 'the best' only within its own frame of reference. It's clear that it desperately wants to be 'Quatermass' (a legendary sci-fi series from the 50's/60') of modern times (with more than a nod to 'Edge of Darkness' from 1985). Ultimately,it has to settle for 'Best of Torchwood' instead.


The great irony of Children of Earth is that if the humans weren't so awful, Jack wouldn't have had to resort to what he did. They would've had time to figure everything out, Torchwood wouldn't have had been forced to go on the run. I consider this one of the best things RTD has ever written. It shows how fucking cynical he is; when writing Doctor Who, he knows he has to write to kids. Here, and in many of his other political works, he's just among the most cynical writers I've ever seen.

Adam C Turek

Remember when you see Jack in that alien bar when the 10th Doctor is saying all of his goodbyes before his regeneration (and chats up russel tovey)? this is happens right before and is the reason he's off planet.