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Wait was Phillip turned into a wraith or killed by a wraith?

Jess The Fox

I believe he was in a different realm. When we last saw Mulan she was on a mission to try to return his soul. Also! I cannot wait for Season 3 in Neverland! So excited for your reactions 💕

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

And Straight on 'Til Morning- Now... I love the potential for the three redemption arcs we've begun to see for Hook, Regina, and Gold too. Will they remain on their current path? I can't wait for you to continue on with season three to find out!! :) Yay!!! Another season has come and gone, and boy... what a fantastic season it is. And what a fantastic episode this one is as well. It's definitely one of my overall favorite episodes from season two. I really love it, with the exception of Greg and Tamara, as well as Cora throughout this season. I don't care much for either Neal or Cora, but I can tolerate them and they both have some good moments. But Greg and Tamara... they don't in the slightest. Their characters are very weak and I don't like them at all. Of course... my favorite moments within this finale, as you surely know me by now... must include Hook because he's my all time favorite character. And they do. If I had to pick one moment, or two... since they both parallel with one another... they are the moments in Granny's Diner as the heroes decide to do what's right to save Regina and all of Storybrooke, until Hook suddenly snatches the bean. However, Emma quickly grabs hold of him before he can walk away as she states, "You and I... we understand each other. Look out for yourself and you never get hurt. Right?" She then goes on to tell him, "So... you can join us, and be a part of something, or you can do what you do best and be alone." Hook then appears to give in as he hands Emma the pouch she and the others contain the bean, as he states back, "You're quite passionate, Swan." As everyone leaves the diner, they then go on to talk about Henry's father and Hook learns that his father is Neal, or as he knows Neal... Baelfire. Then later... after Henry is kidnapped by Greg and Tamara, Emma and Regina are desperate to save Henry and just when they fear all hope is lost, Hook returns in his ship after having a change of heart. And Emma asks him "I thought you didn't care about anyone but yourself?", to which Hook beautifully responds, "Perhaps, I just needed reminding that I could." This bond between Hook and Emma reveals a deeper understanding between them. Both Hook and Emma understand how it feels to be alone, to have been abandoned by their parents... or in Hook's case just his father, and they both understand how it is to close themselves off to everyone in order to keep themselves from getting hurt. I just absolutely love this so much!!! But we'll get back to the ending of this finale... First, Greg and Tamara activate Regina's self destruct fail safe as they strike the blue diamond using one of the dwarfs' axes, and the countdown to Storybrooke being destroyed has begun. Sadly, Emma has to tell Henry about his father's death, while David and Mary Margaret must tell Gold that his son was shot just before falling through a portal, as everyone assumes that Neal is now dead. The emotion shown on Gold's face is heartbreaking and Robert Carlyle's acting in this moment is top notch and beautiful. Unfortunately for the heroes, Gold refuses to step in to help them save the town, as he has accepted death is his fate upon having failed to save his son and that death is the price he deserves to pay, as Neal supposedly died in punishment from him having brought magic to Storybrooke. "All magic comes with a price." This is a very powerful and emotional scene for sure and I really love it a lot. However, the heroes refuse to give up, and even Hook isn't prepared to give up either, so he goes to the heroes believing that together they can try to stop the self destruct. I love the moment when David immediately swings around and punches Hook square in the jaw to pay him back for Hook striking David over the head with the crowbar so he can steal back his hook shown in an earlier episode... The Queen is Dead. It's brilliant, and quite funny. Next... I love that the dwarfs enter Gold's shop to take back some of the things that are theirs, including the stein that belongs to Sneezy so that they can use it and the potion which Blue made up to bring Sneezy back to his true self before the fail safe kills them all. But I especially love when Grumpy turns back to Gold and gives him another vial containing the potion so that Gold can turn Lacey back into Belle, as Grumpy states he had asked Blue for another vial so he can help Belle, to repay her for once helping him long ago. I love how he pleads with Gold saying, "Please don't let her die as Lacey." Very touching. And then... Hook and David go off to find Greg and Tamara to get back the magic beans they stole so they can use one in hope of escaping through another portal to save themselves in their first plan. They get into a fight, and Greg and Tamara escape, but thankfully, Hook manages to grab hold of one of the beans after the vial Greg held containing them broke open on the ground. After the diner scene, Hook walks away from them while Emma, Henry, Mary Margaret, and David return to the mine where Regina is using all of her magic and strength to hold off the diamond's power for as long as she can, fully prepared to die to save everyone else, mainly so that Henry won't be alone and so that he will truly see her as a hero and not as the Evil Queen. I love how Regina asks Emma to let her die as Regina, and not to see her as the Evil Queen everyone sees her as. Regina's storyline throughout this episode is really quite beautiful and we can see just how far Regina really has come by the end of this season, despite everything that's happened between her, Mary Margaret, and Cora. However, the heroes arrive and reveal to Regina their second plan... to send the fail safe through the portal instead with the hope of being able to save Regina, only for Emma to find that Hook stole back the magic bean in spite of Emma's words to him inside Granny's. And for a brief moment, everyone is preparing to say goodbye as they hold one another in their last moments together. And Emma at last calls her parents Mom and Dad, not David and Mary Margaret. I love this. However, Emma suddenly remembers she too has magic within her and steps up in front of Regina as she states that together they might be powerful enough to stop the diamond's power and together they emit their powers against it. Together, they save everyone and it's so brilliant seeing Emma and Regina working together to save everyone, and not against one another as they've been doing since the start of season one. Amazing and Brava!!! I love it!! I love the idea behind it, as Emma and Regina come together at last to save everyone. Unfortunately, Greg and Tamara interfere once again, and they kidnap Henry in the brief moment that everyone else is unconscious from the power emitted from the diamond once it's contained and knocks everyone back. And they drag him towards the ocean, where they use the last of the beans to open a portal to where they believe is the so called "Home Office", unsuspecting that where they are truly heading is Neverland in a way that's completely not what they're suspecting... as Hook reveals to the heroes and Gold once they're all aboard the Jolly Roger and are preparing to sail after Henry to save him, thanks to Hook coming back to offer his ship and his services to help them save Henry. Hook then throws the bean once he and Gold... don't come to so much to a reconciliation, but more of an understanding with one another... that saving Henry is more important than their two hundred year old battle and hate towards one another. I absolutely love this moment between Hook and Gold, especially thanks to the look they give to one another in this moment. Fabulous! Then... together heroes and villains travel through the portal on their way to Neverland. I also love the tender moment between Gold and Belle as he says goodbye to her after asking her to stay behind to put up the cloaking spell around the town so that no more outsiders can ever get in. I love the kiss they share and the beautiful acting by both Robert Carlyle and Emilie De Ravin once again. Rumple and Belle are amazing with one another. It's also very sweet that Belle has so much faith that Gold will come back to her alive, in spite of his fear that he will die trying to save his grandson. As for the backstory... I absolutely love, love, love the overall backstory between Hook and Baelfire. I love how Hook learns the truth about Bae being Rumplestiltskin's son and claims to Smee and his crew that he plans to use him in his revenge against the Dark One. And yet... from the sadness and worry we see in his eyes anytime everyone turns away from him and he's looking on at Bae, it's clear that Hook truly wishes to help Bae and to make him a part of his own family. And I really do feel such emotions from him. I love that Hook tells Bae about how his own father had long ago abandoned him when he was a small boy too, and that for a brief time, Hook and Bae bond. More of my favorite moments... Unfortunately, Baelfire later finds Hook's drawing of Milah and Bae becomes fiercely angry with him and tries to kill Hook upon discovering he's the pirate his father had spoken of, who he had been told had kidnapped and murdered his mother. My heart breaks a little when Hook pleads with Bae to understand that he fell in love with her and that it was really his own father who murdered her by ripping out her heart and crushing it in front of him. And Hook continues to plead with him, asking Bae to stay with him aboard the Jolly Roger so they can be a family like Milah would have wanted for them, as he states Bae would remain under his protection that he can change... all for him. Hook is truly willing to give up his lust for revenge for Baelfire's sake and then... Hook is heartbroken when Bae refuses. And man... Bae is really harsh towards Hook too, saying really cruel words that you can see from the look in Hook's eyes and on his face just how much Bae's words hurt him. It's so, so heartbreaking. Colin O'Donoghue's acting in these tender moment scenes is phenomenal, just like his acting always is. It's why I love Hook so much. I love the dark side of his character, but even more so, I can't help but love the emotional side that he so far has very rarely shown to anyone, knowing that any real emotion aside from hatred and anger shown to anyone would destroy his reputation with his men, his enemies, and everyone else who knows of Captain Hook. And because of Bae's refusal to accept his offer, Hook then reverts back to his selfish self and hands Bae over to the Lost Boys, or as Hook calls them, the Lost Ones so that they can deliver him to Peter Pan. However, when the boys return to the island with Bae as their prisoner, another boy is waiting on shore for them and the leader of them asks if Bae is the boy Pan is looking for. As the boy opens up a parchment of a drawing of the boy Pan is seeking, the boy says no and shows the leader the picture, only to reveal a drawing of Henry... two hundred years before the present day events in Storybrooke and long before Henry is even born. It appears there's another prophecy about Henry. Or is it possibly the same prophecy Gold is so worried about? Just you wait! :) Whoa... two heavy cliffhangers to end this season's finale. Oh... and I also love the moment at Granny's Diner, when Archie speaks up bravely to encourage everyone to follow David and Mary Margaret's plan to save Regina and their town, believing wholeheartedly that their leaders and friends are doing the right thing. I love Archie. And everyone stands behind David and Mary Margaret, even before Emma does. Brilliant! And lastly... of course Neal is found to be still alive, somewhere on a beach where much to my surprise... he is found by Aurora, Mulan, and Prince Phillip who Aurora an Mulan had clearly saved from the Wraith as they restored his soul, after we last saw the two women talking within Rumple's old cell in the Enchanted Forest about going off to find his soul that had been taken by the wraith that killed him... so they could save him. It was interesting to see them again. Back in the ninth episode... Queen of Hearts, while Cora is holding Aurora hostage, Cora reveals to Aurora that when a wraith attacks its victim, it doesn't kill them, but it sucks out the victim's soul and transports it to its land. In the end, Aurora reveals this to Mulan, and the two women go off seeking this land to find and restore Phillip's soul. Seeing him alive again here in this finale, it's clear Aurora and Mulan had succeeded. Overall... I really, really, really love this season's finale and season two as a whole, especially upon it bringing in my favorite character... Captain Hook, who is phenomenal, as is the actor who plays him in every way... Colin O'Donoghue. I cannot wait for you to begin season three!!! It's going to be an amazing ride! Thank you again, so much!!! Until season three...

Kia Carson

I need your skills because I have trouble writing something as long and clear as this.