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That guy's outraged innocence act is a bit much, isn't it? Yes, only a bit below the age of consent, but he was a teacher and also much older! (Halfway through the episode at this point.) Incidentally, the law was changed about 15 years ago so that teachers are no longer legally allowed to have sex with their students if they are under 18.

Dani C

Paedophile is the British spelling. Though it is slowly being replaced by the American spelling


I think the 'paedo-' spelling is still the only acceptable spelling in standard British English, though that may change in the future.

Dani C

I think it is still technically the correct spelling, aye.


The Jack thing is something that I have a hard time putting into a box. Because from my 2021 eyes, he slept with a child and was touching other children in a way that he considered harmless but made them uncomfortable, and that is wrong. However, he says that he married the girl when he was forty. This show aired in 2013 and I'm assuming he's a least 70, so we're talking this happened in the late 60s or early 70s and as awful as it sounds, my mother graduated high school in 1970 and there were teachers who dated and then married students and had long happy marriages. So, when he feels like there's a big injustice that he would not have gone to prison if it were a month later and that he did nothing wrong does seem more understandable from his perspective. And it is very sad that having his marriage and dead child being splashed all over the papers is what put him over the edge. On another note, on repeat viewing, Becca really saved Alec from making a huge mistake when she turned him down, because when we see how they depict things later in the trial, him sleeping with the woman that was Danny's father's alibi could have ruined the entire case. I never saw his coming on to her as negotiating. I think it was more just taking a shot when she was being nice to him and had been flirty and telling EMTs that she was his wife.