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Ah, this episode. Should be a fun watch. I can’t wait to know what your thoughts are. IMO this is the most fun Elena’s character has been despite the way it ended. I’m sure the comment section will be on fire after this one but I’m no longer partaking in any debate. Like what you like, hate what you hate. These reactions are still awesome.


love your hair!!!

Jason Todd

Actually, to be fair here if we all remember what we learned with the flashbacks it's that we know that Elena is more like Damon than Stefan because at first who was the one who only took a few weeks from turning to take pleasure from it and didn't care about the women who he fed on and literally asked, "Who wants to die next?" that's right it was Stefan and it took Damon years and help from Sage to learn how to take pleasure from feeding cuz at first he actually saved the girls Stefan was feeding on before Damon ditched him, then he only started to feed on for food and no pleasure, and then he met Sage and the rest is history. So yeah Elena is going down the same path as Damon and Damon is her version of Sage. You could also see that Elena was getting the hang of it and knew when to stop and didn't need Damon to pry her off of someone. Oh and yeah the 69 Camaro has always been Damon's car, it's also in the intro of the show.


Well I would say Stefan has more of an eating disorder than an addiction because it is their food source blood is what they need to stay alive. No Elena is no where near beeing a ripper, she can stop on her own or with vocal help, Caroline would care if she would feed off of a human and she isn't a ripper. Stefan and Damon are more than 100 years old they've gotten "used" to it Elena is a newbie. In the begining Damon felt guilt for his victims and Stefan just embraced it Rebekah was daggered because Klaus doesn't want her to tell anyone about the cure. With giving the victims blood the problem is the tiniest drop of vamp blood in your system will make people turn if they have it in them so I think this is the reason they don't use it that often


Connor is a bad guy to me. Not because he is a hunter who kills vampires. He is a bad guy because he hurts humans. In episode 2 he stabbed April and just... left her there to die. For all he knew the only thing stopping vampires from killing her after they smelled her blood was the danger of exposure. So when the chaos from shooting Tyler started, Connor left April bleeding at the church, fully aware of what can happen. There was no longer a risk of exposure anymore, any vampire could have easily found April and drank her blood until she was dead. Connor knew this very well and he never cared. He uses people and treats them as if they are disposable tools. I agree about the moment with Alexander and Rebekah. He didn't look victorious or glad after he stabbed her. I wonder if he hoped that they could still be together. Maybe he believed he could find the cure and give it to her so they could get married and have the life they planned to. He might have daggered her only because he doesn't trust her as a vampire and only until he has the cure. Another thing is- it's not just he who betrayed her. She betrayed him also. She got close to him to find more information about the five, she seduced him to learn his secrets, and she never intended to tell him the truth. She was going to lie to him for the rest of their lives had they gotten married.


And what was she going to say when he realises she's not aging? The whole thing was a recipe for disaster. The difference is that Alex never lied about who he was or what his goals were. He never pretended to be something else. Rebekah did.


This a great episode! It's interesting that u said u don't think Elena is like Damon, and I agree. She feels remorse; she may get super into it in the moment, but she instantly regrets it afterwards - Classic Stefan move. I have to say that the scene with Damon and Elena is one of my all time favs - the music, the vibe, the colours, the acting, it's just so fun to watch! We got to learn a lot about the history of the vampire hunters and that there is a cure to vampirism. Gonna be interesting to see where that goes. I'm very sad for Rebekah, she really is a hopeless romantic at heart and can't help it. Klaus is a crazy ass but I find his villain-ness very enjoyable to watch. We also got to meet a new character, Professor Shane, who seems to be involved with Connor. Interesting to see where that's going as well. Great reaction as always!


I always think there are exceptions where compulsion can be put to good use. Elena ought to have compelled the guy to never roofie anyone again. It could be argued that he would be having his choice taken away, but that is what he was trying to do to others who were innocent. Stefan has an eating disorder and never allowed himself to learn how to control his feeding. He is abstain or full on. Part of the reason is because he hates what he is and tries to pretend to not be a vampire. Damon looks at the positives of what he is, works with it and in some respects is safer than Stefan because he knows how to enjoy it without it controlling him. When Damon first turned, he felt guilty. That was why he was really nasty to Stefan in 1912 before he met Sage. He had been existing because he fed and didn't enjoy it. But he wasn't a ripper and neither is Elena. Elena would probably have little guilt after living like this for 146 as she would get used to it. There were no blood bags in 1864, so Damon got used to feeding from humans. Current Elena and current Damon may be different, but 1864 Damon and current Elena are the same. Elena can enjoy it and stop. Damon doesn't flip the switch when he is feeding. It is how he is able to stop. If he flipped the switch he wouldn't stop. The switch doesn't really work like that. You can't flip it for a few moments. It is more about succumbing to vampire instinct. I suspect that once instinct takes over, it is like getting drunk and inhibitions are lowered. Stefan gets caught up in it and is unable to stop, Damon and Elena are able to stop. Stefan and Klaus were cancelled in this episode for me. Daggering Rebekah was horrible. Deep down she is a very sweet person, who just wants a normal life, including marriage and children. She never wanted to be a vampire. She relied on her brothers and they weren't the best of influence on her. Despite being an Original, she seems vulnerable. I just wish someone would genuinely love her and treat her with respect. Rebekah is one of those characters who slowly grows on you. Their blood doesn't work like it does in True Blood. I get what you mean about healing them, but it is risky. If anything happens to them, they might end up a vampire, and have the potential to be a really horrible vampire. I guess it would be tough trying to find the undesirables in Mystic Falls as it is a small town and unlikely to have as many hotspots as a big city. I think the reason that Damon can deal with it is because he was a soldier. Maybe viewing his victims like he did the union soldiers, although he left the confederacy because he clearly couldn't deal with killing people. Stefan likes to know the names of his victims so he can re-live the kill. Damon doesn't want to know anything about his victims to help with the guilt. Out of sight, out of mind. Kol wasn't with them. He was travelling in other parts of the world. Elijah mentioned it. I really love this episode. It is a lot of fun and makes you think. Plus there is the hilarity of that dinner party. Stefan's sarcasm and expressions are Damonesque during the meal. Great reaction. Looking forward to watching the next one with you. Take care. Stay safe. Stay healthy. x

Lars Jonsson

No True Blood today? :(


If you think Elena can't catch a break now... you ain't seen nothing yet.

Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

Elena have something of both (Damon and Stefan), she’s not completely one or the other!!!!! I would say she’s like in the middle