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pCloud LINK: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZoYfJXZdEnf5M8EGiFApuJf2MMfh5nszUFX




I actually started laughing when you said, "this should be a fun movie", it may have felt that way in the beginning, but the Movie evolves into so much more than that. Really glad you liked it, I was nervous how you were going to take Subtitles; most folks that are dominant English speakers, don't usually like stuff that requires them to read Subtitles. However, I figured since you watched all the others I suggested before, it'd be okay. Again, really glad you enjoyed it. I also think the Cinematography is beautifully done. Often times, you don't expect that from a Movie that revolves around fighting/action; which is ironic, considering that's when Camera-work should be great, capturing the action in it's Essence.


I don’t mind subtitles. I watch a show called Elite that’s in Spanish with English subtitles so I’m used to it. This was a sadder story than I expected but very entertaining as well