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I’ve been hyped for this one. Can’t wait to see your reaction to this. I know you probably rolled your eyes like a million times during most of the Damon and Elena scenes but I love them so much, and I love your opinions and thoughts and the show even if I don’t agree.

Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

All of your questions are gonna be answered don’t desperate....last two episodes are CRAZY....


Trust me when I say there is nobody who hates Damon Salvatore more than me. I also hate Delena bcuz of my hate for Damon. But I can honestly say there has not been one time that that kiss scene in the hallway did not give me chills.


i’m so happy i found a reactor who shares my opinions! most people ship delena but stelena will always have my heart & damon is one of my least fav tvd characters i actually love tyler (a lot of people don’t for some reason) but i do ship klaus & caroline together lol these last few episodes are insane!! so many twists that are great! this is my fav season of tvd mostly bc of stefan’s story & the originals coming in


Lol we have the same opinions except I hate Tyler. So much. My fave characters are Katherine, Bonnie, Caroline, and Rebekah


Interisting, it almost like I could see the Delena ice melt just a little...


Ugh that kissing scene ❤️❤️❤️❤️💕🥰😍😩. It's one of my all time favs. It was so intense and perfect. Delena fan or not, it was a hot scene. As far as Rebekah, she deserves so much more. Maybe she can be gullible and super naive sometimes but it's because she wants, so badly, to believe the good in people. To believe that they are telling her the truth. I'm not sure on my feelings with Esther. I know that anyone opposing Rebekah is a problem (even when it's Klaus) but I guess I just don't care enough about Esther to have an opinion on her. What she did to Rebekah was smart though, if you take out the fact that she's cool with manipulating her emotionally vulnerable child. But hey, that's probably where Klaus got it from. Love him regardless. Anyway glad you enjoyed the episode. See ya next time.


Damon didnt say he doesnt do good, he just doesnt let people see the good. Like he didnt want Elena to know what he did for Rose. Or like no one knows that he turned Abby to spare Stefan guilt. He plays the hero, he just hides it, out of selfhate and to not let anyone down, as he said.

Megan Brady

Let him decide whether Elena loves them both and when he thinks that. I think the point he was getting at is that it's kinda a spoiler in disguise if he hasn't figured something out yet himself, for people just to tell him it. It may not seem like a big deal and it's not, but just remember most of us have seen this show through a million times and can see certain things way earlier in the series now in retrospect. But this is his first time seeing the show, so let him come to those conclusions in time. Our perspective is often quite different to earlier seasons once we know how everything else happens later down the line.

Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

Thankssss!!! ❤️ a lot of people doesn’t understand those little things he does and it bothers me....everyone is: Stefan, Stefan, Stefan, Stefan is good, Stefan this, Stefan that, that’s why sometimes I can’t stand him.


I think Elena can't admit to having romantic feelings about Damon because she doesn't know how to feel about Damon as a person. When she brought up how unstable he is it wasn't just an excuse for not pursuing him romantically but also the reason why their relationship has always been so complicated. Damon claims that he lashes out to make things easier for Elena when it comes to her choice but then he turns right around and flirts with her, he doesn't know what he wants just as much as Elena because he doesn't want to make the moral changes in order to actually be with Elena. He likes the intimacy between them but he doesn't like the idea of him not acting out when he sees fit or revelling in his vampire nature...all things Elena despises about him. Damon puts a lot of pressure on Elena making a choice but he hasn't given Stefan anything to compete with other than his sex appeal and wit, Elena is constantly waiting for the next dose of Damon being decent but she never knows when it's gonna come so she just looks silly.


Both brothers have done bad things, but the fact is when Elena met both of them Stefan wasn’t hurting anyone and Damon was. That is her first impression. Damon has hurt and killed people IN ELENA’S LIFE. Stefan hasn’t. Damon killed Vicki, killed Lexi, killed Jeremy, abused Caroline, and attacked Bonnie. Stefan hasn’t done any of that. Stefan forced Elena to drink his blood which is the first time he’s hurt her. Damon threatened to kill Elena in season 1 if Stefan didn’t give him the grimoire. Even though Damon has gotten “better” she hasn’t forgotten how Damon can and chooses to be. Both brothers hate themselves. The difference is Stefan takes it out on himself and Damon takes it out on others.


I understand what you’re saying but I don’t agree that Damon takes his self hatred on others. If he really didn’t care about others he would’ve shut off his humanity but he doesn’t even though it pains him. Also Stefan taking it on himself is not healthy, that’s why he can’t control himself but when Damon finally got to him and told him to love himself he’s improving. Yes both of them has done bad things and good things and from Elena’s point of view they’re almost equal that’s why she’s having a hard time choosing, that and the fact that she doesn’t let herself believe that she’s actually into Damon. I did find it kinda selfish that Elena went with Damon waiting for him to screw things up just to run back to Stefan but just like I said I understand.

Andrea Dcosta

This is the thing I hate let Elena be with who she wants to be but everyone will pin point Stefan is better this and that like come on don’t make her feel guilty it’s ridiculous. It’s her life after all. And it’s not about Damon fans we understand his character better as we have watched the show I myself have hated Damon but watching his growth is the best I’ve seen may be you will never like him even if he does good but that’s your point of view. Would love to see when u finally start liking and understanding his character going forward :)


Nobody is making Elena feel guilty because she isn’t real. People are giving their opinions. She is a character on a tv show which means her “life” is for the purpose of our enjoyment and entertainment which means we can comment on any and everything she does.

Andrea Dcosta

Anyways next 3 episodes are gonna be great pls try and react to it together it’s insane. Can’t wait to watch it along with you 😍 take care. Cya for the next ones 🙌🏼


The people in Elena’s life do get to have an opinion because she’s attracted to two men who are dangerous. One of them who has hurt Caroline so yes she gets an opinion, has hurt Bonnie so yes she gets an opinion, and has killed Jeremy so yes he gets an opinion. There will always be a team Stefan and a Team Damon because not everybody likes both of them. There are some who like one or the other.

Andrea Dcosta

That’s what’s not healthy for the fans I hate this personally which makes ppl fight. I love the show and I agree with your opinions and respect them but I feel this Damon/Stefan side thing is not healthy. That’s my opinion and many many reactors feel the same. Anyways there’s a longg way for the show I really wanna see how you will feel about Damon then 🤗


There is no point in Stefan taking Elena back if she has deep-rooted feelings for Damon. Their relationship would never work. It isn't just about giving Elena a choice, it is to stop himself from having a broken heart. I'm not sure Caroline can condemn Rebekah regarding jumping into bed with someone. Caroline isn't innocent when it comes to sleeping with men. Remember when we first met her? She told Elena to have sex with Stefan the day after they met. She only spoke a few words to Damon and she invited him back to hers for sex (that part wasn't under compulsion). I am not condoning Damon's actions, I am citing an example, but she would have had sex with anyone as she was emotionally fragile at the time. Is it possible that Rebekah might be in the same emotional state that Caroline was in at the beginning of the show? I just don't think she is the right person to judge another person's sex life when she has lived by the same rules herself. I don't think Damon could have tortured Ric. Snapping his neck is one thing as it is quick and painless. Drawn out pain on his best friend is probably too much for Damon to handle. He does care a lot about Ric. Stefan isn't as close to Ric as Damon. There are times and places where compulsion could be a good thing. Potentially compelling Jeremy to be good at baseball is one of them. I never understand why the show doesn't utilise the idea of good compulsion. For instance, compel politicians to become genuine, honest, good people, incapable of lying while in office (ok that might be too much of a stretch for vampire powers). But I'm sure you get the gist. Kol isn't a fighter. His skills are more about knowledge than fighting. He was too young to learn how to fight before they turned, so he's a bit useless in that department against anyone who is a trained fighter. Damon was a soldier, so he does have natural human skills in that department. I do feel for Rebekah. She really looks for the good in people and all she wants is love. It is why she is still with Klaus, she wants the good in him to shine through (yes, a little piece of his heart is good, maybe half a square millimetre, but it's there). Heart of darkness is the perfect name for this episode. Stefan and Ric are fighting their inner demons and their darkness within, while Elena is questioning Damon's actual heart of darkness, as it appears that some of it is bravado. Damon doesn't like to admit to doing good as he can't handle the weight of expectation which would be put on him regarding his future actions. It cripples Stefan, and Damon would prefer to do good in a quiet manner, for genuine reasons and keep them to himself. He doesn't do good things to appear the hero, he does them because they are the right thing to do. He doesn't advertise his good part, instead he plays up the bad part. He knows that if he saved the world daily for the rest of his life and never drank from another human (unless they volunteered), he'd still get the blame for everything bad that happened, even down to the weather. So he just doesn't bother, it isn't worth the hassle. I like how Kol thinks whacking Damon with a baseball bat is sufficient revenge for killing Finn. I guess Klaus isn't the only one to hate their elder brother. Esther's body was dying as she doesn't have the power of the Bennett line any more to keep her alive. But she still had the power to transfer into Rebekah's body, keeping hers on ice for a while and allowing her to fool everyone. Again Rebekah was gullible, not suspecting what her mother might do (there is a pattern with Rebekah). Even if Elena loved Damon more, there are problems. He lashes out and that could get messy if they had a row. Although, he proved her wrong when they argued in the house. He doesn't want to play the official hero role, that doesn't mean he doesn't want to be good. He knows Elena makes him better, and he's no longer fighting it. He knows it is a deal breaker, if he wants to be in her life, he has to get his act together, even more than before. But it appears he's prepared to do it. But there is another problem which Damon cannot have any influence over, because he already caused the problem, that is how Elena's friends would feel about Elena dating Damon. In theory, you'd expect her friends to want what is best for Elena, but some are definitely more pro one brother than the other, when I say some, I mean Caroline and possibly Tyler. For obvious reasons, Caroline hates Damon, and I don't think Tyler is too keen. Matt doesn't like either Salvatore that much and wishes she were with him, so he's fairly neutral, but he prefers her to be with who she loves the most, and Matt knows who it is. I suspect Bonnie might be more pro Damon than you'd expect. Elena dating Damon would make her life easier as Damon would be a lot more helpful and less destructive. She never judged Elena for kissing Damon, she was more interested in whether he was a good kisser (maybe she has a mini crush on Damon herself). That could have changed since Damon turned her mother (to save Elena and Stefan), but I think she is neutral. I think Jeremy was pro Stefan, but his conversation with Rose might have made him look at it in a different way. Damon does change Elena in good ways. He encouraged her to learn how to defend herself. He'll completely support her, unless he knows she's wrong, when he will challenge her and call her out on her bu*****t. I agree regarding the picture from Klaus, it is a very personal gift. If Caroline had been offended by it, she would have thrown it away. She's a very tidy person, so it clearly wasn't an oversight. Klaus's words clearly chipped away at something with Caroline. If I were Tyler, I would have been angry too. By telling Klaus that he could control the ripper was to me, the best revenge Stefan could have on Klaus. I loved the scenes with him and Ric, they were intense and interesting. Damon does care about quite a lot of people. He cares about Elena, Stefan, Ric, Liz, Carol Lockwood, Jeremy, and even Bonnie and Caroline. He's lukewarm on Matt and can't stand Tyler. Jeremy isn't safe in Denver as Kol found him, therefore he is safer in Mystic Falls. Great reaction. Looking forward to the next one. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


I agree with some of what you said although I’m not sure what Caroline inviting Damon over to have sex has to do with anything. And as for compulsion, the show does a nice job at showing why all forms of compulsion have consequences even if it’s considered “good” compulsion because it comes down to choice. It’s still taking someone’s choice away from them and making decisions for them. That’s why it shouldn’t be used even to protect people. That seems to be a message in the show as well the message of you can try to fix someone’s life by compelling them but eventually they will still have problems or get hurt or be in danger. I disagree that Damon would make Elena’s life easier. Both he and Stefan have issues that make Elena’s life harder. Stefan with his addiction and Damon with his tendency to lash out every time he gets upset and his history of hurting her loved ones. But Elena knows she can trust Stefan, she has her doubts about Damon. Yes he has shown he cares about her but he has also shown that he wants to do things his way and hates compromising which is something you need in a relationship. She needs to be able to depend on him for more than his physical strength. Viewers may know that he might have more to offer than that but she is obviously unsure.


Idk if it’s just me but I actually like the fact that Damon isn’t changing just for Elena, it’s more than that. So many people helped him become a better person. I also like that he knows what Elena is doing, he told her earlier this season “I’m not Stefan so how about you stop trying turning me into him” Elena trusts Damon with her life 100% she said that in 3x9


She trusts him to protect her. That’s not the same as trusting someone in a relationship. If she did then she wouldn’t have her doubts🤷🏽‍♂️


Are you implying that Caroline deserved the abuse and violence Damon put her through bc she was sexually active? And her not being compelled when she initiated sex is irrelevant. Her consenting to sex doesn't mean she can't revoke her consent, it doesn't mean Damon has the right to continue having sex with her while she's screaming in pain, nor does it mean her being compelled = consent. Honestly, the writers have such a problematic view on compulsion and consent, it's icky. An even worse example is Andie in season 2. So yeah, Caroline can hate Damon all she wants and she can hate that her supposed best friend is dating her abuser.


this comment section 😭 i never liked damon even as the seasons go on so i’m excited to see how you feel about him later on lol


Lmao it’s been like this for the longest. I try my best to be logical and understand all sides but everything is so argumentative.


I semi-agree with the compulsion issue. The show does highlight that there are times and places where compulsion can be used in a positive manner. We saw Isobel compel Ric to get over her and stop mourning her and to move on with his life. He asked her to, so she didn't take away his free will. In 1864, Damon compelled those women to leave their house while Stefan was having a binge drinking session. That was a good compulsion. Yes, it took away their free will, but it saved their lives. Most of the time it is bad, but it can be put to good use. I answered the Caroline issue in an earlier post. It was very episode specific and I didn't make my point clear, I will amend the comment accordingly.


This Episode is also annoying [so annoying] - this Series has an uncanny ability to weave plot [shoot sequences] and fooling people into believing something that clearly, isn't natural. This kind of Writing is atrocious to me: A good example of this, is the Bedroom Scene with Elena & Damon, the shot selection didn't work for me at all. The "Female Gaze" is very heavy-handed here; the way they had Ian Somerhalder's shirt off was too much. We know if the roles were reversed, they'd never allow it - "tit-for-tat" I'd say. Watching the majority of this Episode is still so uncomfortable. I don't care about their relationship, I commend Stefan, I feel bad for Bonnie, I feel sorry for Alaric and it sucks what they're doing to Jeremy: He didn't even need to leave in the first place, He's still not safe, lol. So, they took away His Freewill for nothing.