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Google Drive LINK: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a_8NEi19RjHNoYai98K0her3JOzo4zsb/view?usp=drivesdk

pCloud LINK: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZFz1yXZ1ccM6RexTVHeKQaDOIenHHXGoNVk



Alex Haswell

Just so you know the Doctor ages a lot slower than humans that’s why he looked the same in 200 years time.

Henry from CO

"My life in your hands, Amelia Pond".

Lloyd B

Time Lords age very slowly, even within the one regeneration, so its plausible the Doctor would still look much tge same after a couple of hundred years. I really enjoy this 2 parter- great way to open the season. This is the season the BBC made a big push into the American market, filming on location in the US. That's also the reason for the snippets of exposition at the start of the intro credits, with Amy explaining the concept of the show to potential new viewers (though it gets a bit tedious after a couple of episodes.) By the way, the elder Canton at the start is actually played by the father of the actor playing the younger Canton.


But I’m guessing whenever the next doctor takes over is not in 200 years. Matt Smith’s Doctor will die and regenerate before 200 years right? That’s why I always figured the show could never show us the Doctor’s past or future because he would have to look different because he would literally be played by a different person


That’s interesting about the Cantons! But whenever Matt Smith exits the series there will be another actor so the Doctor will look completely different. The next season doesn’t take place 200 years after this one right?

Adam C Turek

The day River is scared of has already happened when the 10th Doctor met her in the Library, he had no idea who she was, and she was right, it did kill her...


I did a California/Nevada/Utah/Arizona road trip last year, and spent the night by Lake Powell (Lake Silencio in this episode). I slept in my rental car, and got a really amazing view of the stars because there was so little light pollution. There were shooting stars! 🙂 I got up early and saw the sunrise over the lake, which was cool. 😀

Dani C


Right but it’s less about the age than the way he looks. I assumed that the next season would be played by a different actor so his appearance would literally be different and that it would take place right after whatever events happen in this season’s finale so 2011 or 2012. If he has a regeneration at that time he can’t look like Matt Smith in 200 years

Dani C

That said -the Doctor at the lake is the future Doctor 200 years older than our present day Doctor, all it means is that the events of the next series must take place after that death. So, of course the Doctor now looks the same as he does in 200 years, its the same Doctor. Doesn't mean the next series takes place 200 years after the start point of this series for everybody else - just for the Doctor. ... Or to put in another way: between the moment in the diner, when the Doctor shows up with his special straw and the moment on the shore when the Doctor is killed by the astronaut, he will have lived for 200 years, some of which we will get to see directly.