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So sweet of Damon, one of the many reasons why I love the brothers relationship more than any ship in the show. Also smart of them to turn Abby and not actually killing her. It was also smart to dagger Kol but that didn’t go so well. I think they would’ve found another way to stop the spell but they didn’t have the time because of Elijah. I expected Elena to be mad at Damon for sleeping with Rebekah but not that upset, she told everyone lol, him turning her friend’s mother is not gonna help but she has to realize that it was necessary, I do love strong season 3 Elena. Stefan is almost back to normal yay! With Damon and Elena’s help he’ll be alright hopefully. I can’t believe that we haven’t seen Elena and Stefan kiss so far in this season I kinda miss them together. Poor Bonnie, her relationship with Elena has been bumpy since season 1 because of all of this vampire drama and just when it became better this happens. Damon and Alaric’s friendship is the best, who would’ve thought that the man who came to kill Damon is now considered his best friend. The originals are interesting, i disagree with everything that they do but I still like them, I don’t have a favorite though. The whole thing with Meredith doesn’t make sense, she was in surgery when Alaric was stabbed unless she faked that. Great reaction, I can’t wait for next episode. Hope you had a wonderful vacation.


There weren't many options available to Damon and Stefan. They chose the least bad one. Abby didn't want to be a witch, so in a way, she's had her wish granted. She can never be forced into trying to perform magic again. Abby is lucky as she has a lot of people around her who can help her with the transition. Damon could even off if he wanted to make things right, although I doubt Bonnie would want Damon or Stefan anywhere near her right now. Only a few episodes ago, Bill Forbes told Caroline that parents shouldn't outlive their children, yet here we are and that is exactly what will happen with Bonnie and Abby. Back in S1 when Damon told Stefan he hated Stefan because Katherine turned Stefan and not because Stefan forced him to turn, he was lying. This is the first time we fully see it in action. Damon will try and take away Stefan's guilt and put the burden on his own shoulders as it won't send him off the deepend and into a ripper binge like it would for Stefan. I was shocked when I first saw this that Elena was so upset with Damon for sleeping with Rebekah. He normally kills people when he lashes out, instead he had sex with someone. It's not like he cheated on Elena as he's single and can have sex with who he wants. It is a huge improvement on ripping someone's throat out, and it is more of a human reaction. Caroline was awesome this episode. She's laid gauntlet for Klaus. He clearly likes a challenge and she is only making him want her even more every time she sticks 2 fingers up at him. 😂 Rebekah is the most naive character on this show. She thinks the best in people until they let her down, then she gets really upset and offended. She's been cocooned and cosseted by her brothers because she was the baby, therefore she looked up to them. They've sheltered her so much that she has become bratty. Deep down she has a heart of gold. She is a romantic soul who wants to be normal. There are a few things you brought up which will have to be discussed after the next episode as they are major spoilers. Sometimes we get an occasional glimpse of the non-vampire Klaus. The one who was sat on the sofa with his sketchpad out while his siblings fought. That is the Klaus I like. I said that out of all of the characters, take away the vampire side, he would probably be the one I would like the most. I base that on the little snippets we get of him being a normal man. The normal man version of Klaus is a really nice guy. He's just been twisted the most out of all of the characters because of his werewolf gene and being a vampire for so long. Great reaction. Looking forward to the next one. Glad you had a good holiday. Take care. Stay safe, stay healthy. x


Also I don’t like the Klaus Caroline thing too, I feel like it came out of nowhere.


It made perfect sense that Elena was mad at Damon for sleeping with Rebekah. No, they are not technically dating, but it’s probably not a good idea to sleep with someone else if you want to start dating. And it’s who he slept with that was the biggest problem for Elena. Rebekah is her enemy. He also told Elena that he loved her in the previous episode. It was a low blow from Damon, to sleep with Rebekah but I wasn’t surprised.

Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

I love the brothers bond I love puppy Klaus I love Elijah I love this season I love your reaction Can’t wait for more 🖤🖤 Btw: Torri De Vito (Meredith) and Paul Wesley (Stefan) we’re married irl!


Omg, Elena was so jealous in this episode. She literally said to Damon in the previous episode that his love is a problem, but now she is mad that he "moved on". Lmao. Okay, Elena, sure. 😂


They had a fight like she said. If that’s what he does every time they argue then that’s a problem.


Very surprised at the lack of support for Elena, but not surprised at the same time since Damon is the favorite. Damon literally told Elena that he loved her. Elena told Damon that his love was the problem because he wasn’t allowing her to make her own decisions. She didn’t tell him to stay away from her forever. They had a fight and he handled it by sleeping with Rebekah. Someone who has been trying to get with you for months and tells you that they love you obviously wants a relationship with you. But then they have sex with someone that they know you hate just because the two of you argued. I think many of you would be equally as upset as Elena.


Personally I don’t think Damon slept with Rebekah to make Elena mad or revenge her, he was frustrated and got drunk and Rebekah came to him. Also Damon saw that Elena was trusting Stefan again so he thought Elena didn’t want him. I liked that he told her that it wasn’t about her but I don’t believe it because clearly he was mad and she told him to get over it so I guess he did. Of course he still loves her and will protect her.

Lars Jonsson

Fingers crossed for more True Blood soon, though I know you were taking a break x


And this is why I've never watched past season 1. Too much arguing in the fanbase.


When he went to sleep with Rebecca I think he was angry over more than just her saying "well that's the problem" when he said he was mad at her because he loves her. I think it was also the part that came after and why we now have Damon saying "I'm better at being the bad guy". People are always telling him he should care... so he does and what happens. He saved Matt but what did Stefan and Elena assume he did? He let people see the good in him and it was thrown back in his face and this isn't the first time. ***I am not offering these reasons to excuse anything he does/did*** just commenting that Damon is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't and frankly a lot of that is his fault cause he gets hurt and lashes out in some childish fashion. I personally don't feel like Damon owes Elena anything and he has every right to sleep with whoever he wants and Elena can get mad if she wants to. Damon is willing to accept the consequences of his actions, so be it.


I agree, it’s sad because it’s the first time he told her he loves her (not counting when he compelled her to forget or when he was dying) and that’s what he hears back, and what Stefan said also hurt him. Why be good if he gets nothing but pain?


The thing is Damon didnt plan to sleep with Rebekah and Elena showing up right after that. He and Rebekah made a deal to forget about it and move on, he wasn't gonna tell anyone about their sleep over. So Elena finding out about it is a coincidence. He didn't sleep with Rebekah for Elena to get jealous since he thought she didn't care, he slept with Rebekah for his own reason to get over Elena's words (I am not saying it's a good way to get over someone's words).


Yeah that was my point, it’s not a good way to get over someone’s words. It doesn’t matter that he didn’t intend for Elena to find out, he knowingly slept with her enemy and she still found out. It still happened. So if he loses her he has no one to blame but himself. Having hurt feelings isn’t a good enough excuse. Everyone keeps saying that they weren’t together, but Elena obviously thought they had something because they had kissed and he told her he loved her. You don’t tell someone you love them if you’re keeping things casual. So naturally she would get upset if he sleeps with not only someone else, but her mortal enemy. Also if they supposedly weren’t together then why would he care if Elena found out or not? Why would he agree with Rebekah to keep it quiet? The only reason he wouldn’t want Elena to know is because he knows it would hurt her. And it would only hurt her if they had some sort of relationship. They may not have said the official words boyfriend and girlfriend but it was understood that they were together. And he ruined it


I'm so with you - the first time I watched the Series, I was confused when people kept trying to explain how romantic it was, especially the triangle; suffice to say, I was concerned. Some folks don't realize, understanding a character is not the same thing as liking them.


I really like characters like Damon, Klaus and Rebecca even though I sometimes condemn their unnecessary murders, they are characters that move the plot forward, they have ironic and sarcastic humor, charismatic and manipulative, these are the kind of characters that we love to hate contrary to the feeling I had towards Mikael (even if he was not useless as a character in the story), they are characters who are constantly evolving, changing a lot either for good or in bad and sometimes surprise us. I love Stefan even if his character will never seduce me so much because no matter how bad he can get during a period, we know him Stefan, he has a pure heart, a conscience and nothing but this fact will always bring him back on the right path no matter how long it takes, which makes him a character who obviously grows with experiences but that makes him a character without surprise, we almost always know where his heart will be throughout the seasons even if he surprised us with his deep hatred for Klaus which led him to do bad acts towards Elena especially. I think this love triangle plot never caught on with me, whether you like Stefan or Damon or both, I honestly think fighting for a girl is stupid, even they deserve better, they are brothers the time passes, already that the last decades have been made in hatred for each other because of Katherine now there is Elena, just as this one who does not want to be a vampire should have cut short with her romance with Stefan to limit the damage and try to live her life without vampire romance. I would have liked in the previous seasons to have more time between Stefan and Damon, in this one the writers explore their bond more but well it's still time wasted.