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OUAT 2x3 full.mp4


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Lady of the Lake- Hello again! I really like this episode. Just a beautiful and wholesome story it is from start to finish. It's not among my favorites, but I really enjoy it. Thank you very much! First... I love seeing David's and Henry's interactions throughout, especially in the end when David tells Henry he understands he won't be able to find and save Snow and Emma without his help, just before he begins to teach him how to swordfight. Their grandfather/grandson relationship is so sweet. I really love how much between David and Henry we're getting so far this season. Also... I love the backstory between David, Snow, and Ruth... David's mother. Beautiful and yet so sad. I love Ruth a lot too. I cried when I watched this episode. The first time and again now as I re-watched it with you. Her love for her son is just so beautiful and I love how she is willing to give her life to ensure that Snow could have a child. Without Ruth, Emma never would have been born and I just love to see how this comes about. And as for Ruth coming back out to make sure her son is okay, in spite of Charming's plea for her to go inside... Ruth acted as any mother would have done for their child if she were to believe their child was in danger. You seemed really annoyed with Ruth for her decision to come out again. But i understand it. Now... both Cora and King George are definitely snakes. They are both great villains, even though I hate them because they're so evil. Cora plays a villain really well and she is definitely evil, more so than even Regina is. I don't like her as a character for the most part because her evil is of a different caliber than Regina's evil is and she's darker and more twisted and Regina is. Especially in the way she shows her love for her own daughter. It's so sad. As a villain... she's dark, which is good for any villain, but I just don't like her overall. And King George... he's a villain I love to hate. I like Alan Dale as an actor, and I really like the rivalry between Charming and King George a lot. And now for Emma and Henry acting as they do... Emma especially, and Henry too, are acting on instincts that come from our world. And our world... while they now know of other worlds and magic existing, our world is the only world Emma and Henry knows. Especially Emma, who has grown up in a harsh world and has had to live on her own. So, her actions in the Enchanted Forest may seem silly, but she's fighting the way she's fought her whole life. The only way she knows. And while it might seem annoying to some, I really understand it too. Emma knows that she ought to listen to her mother more so long as they're stuck in the Enchanted Forest, even before their fight with Cora. However, she's lived alone for so long and has never had anyone looking out for her before, and she has always had to look out for herself. When Snow tries to get her to understand, Emma is being stubborn out of defiance and because she's still angry with her parents for giving her up. And she's trying to be strong and independent just as she's always been. For me... it's understandable and I appreciate seeing this in Emma's character, allowing for us to really see and feel the emotions as Emma grows as the series continues. Also... I love seeing Jefferson reunited with his daughter at last, and having Henry there to convince him to find her. The moments with Jefferson were brief, but quite sweet as well. As for my favorite moment throughout this episode... I absolutely love the moment between Emma and Snow when Emma breaks down upon understanding just how much her mother has sacrificed for her and why Snow had to give her up. It is such a beautiful moment in the show where their relationship begins to grow significantly. And Mary Margaret's emotional breakdown as she looks back at what she could have had with her daughter, had Regina not cast her curse... so sad and so beautiful. I also like Lancelot in this episode too. He isn't like most other actors who have played Lancelot from other shows and movies, but he's still a good character. He was a good friend to both Snow and Charming and it is sweet that he married them for Ruth’s sake before she died. And lastly... I also love that Lancelot understood what Ruth wanted and slipped the last of the water from Lake Nostos into Snow’s chalice so she could drink it. And then how Snow finds out she’s going to have a daughter with Ruth’s necklace. Brilliant! :) Thank you again, for another great episode reaction! Overall... this was a beautiful episode, especially because of Emma's and Mary Margaret's progress, and for the backstory for Snow and Charming. I can't wait for your reaction for the next episode!!! It's one of my absolute favorites from this season and throughout the entire show too! :) Until then...

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Also... if you think back on the episode where Rumple explains where the mirror would send Cora, there are very subtle clues where she wound up, and there is more to come that will explain her journey further. And as for where Snow's and Charming's castle resides... Before the curse, they did live within the Enchanted Forest. More will be explained in regards to them, King George, and just because we might see or be told that a character is killed, it doesn't mean you necessarily won't see them agree in future episodes. Whether it's in the present day storylines, or within a character's backstory. You just never know who will make appearances and when. Anything's possible. :)

Paul Fisher

To clarify a couple of things, remember that Rumple didn't say the looking glass would send Cora to a land without magic - if it had that power, he would have used it himself to travel to our world to find Bae instead of casting the curse to get here. He said it would send her to "an annoying little world, useless to me..." Where that was and how she wound up in the Enchanted Forest, we have yet to see. The Enchanted Forest was not physically destroyed by the curse - it just transported (most of) the people to Storybrooke. So the Charmings' castle and all the other structures have been sitting abandoned for 28 years, except for the island which served as a safe haven where Cora, Mulan, Aurora, and the other survivors have been living. Remember in the last episode Regina admitted to Rumple that she had been lying when she told the others that the Enchanted Forest had been destroyed. And at the end of that episode she finally admitted to David that it still existed, which meant Emma and Snow were alive.


Right but I wasn’t sure why the people were still living on the island if the enchanted forest was still around. In 28 years they couldn’t rebuild structures in the enchanted forest? Hmmm 🤔

Paul Fisher

Ahhh, thanks. I misunderstood your original comment. But remember that Mulan told Aurora in the last episode that time had been frozen in the safe haven for 28 years. Time only resumed for them, as it did for the residents of Storybrooke, when Emma decided to stay in Storybrooke at the end of the pilot. Presumably, the ogres were outside the safe haven and not frozen, so they moved into most of the vacated areas of the Enchanted Forest. Thanks for providing these reactions and discussions!


The characters in this show are all so ruled by their emotions, none of them seem to have any common sense most of the time. It kind of gets on my nerves. Your reaction to Emma’s stubbornness in the fantasy world was the same as mine. And Charming’s mother rushing into danger to “help him” when he told her to get to safety. What could she have done to help him in the middle of a fight? She just got in the way and got herself killed. I don’t understand people a lot of times either. I get people want to protect their loved ones, but sometimes the best thing you can do is stay out of the way and not cause more problems. Henry gets on my nerves a lot too. 😆