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TVD 3x7 full.mp4



I agree with everything but I do feel like killing Mason was necessary, first he’s a werewolf and he could kill them with his bite (Tyler already did it twice) second, he was working with Katherine and third, he told Liz about them and they almost killed both Stefan and Damon and I think if Damon didn’t kill him he wasn’t going to stop trying to take them down.


No hate here, just perspective :) I disagree about the Damon killing Mason thing. STEFAN even said Mason had to die because he was trying to expose (and succeeded) them as vampires. What was stopping him from just doing it again? I get what you are saying that if Damon hadn't stabbed Mason with silver Mason wouldn't have done that but I'm not so sure. Mason was working with Katherine. He could have had any number of diabolical intentions. On top of all of that Mason in wolf form DID try to kill Stefan and Caroline. He said he can't control anything when he is a wolf but if he bit them, they'd still die whether he meant it or not. Having said all that... Damon's a dick. I'm conflicted about the Jeremy/Bonnie/Anna situation. Jeremy is a 16 yr old kid who has experienced so much grief and loss. He never got to say goodbye to Anna and he did love her. I guess I want to give him a pass on this. However, Bonnie has every right to be pissed.


Lol we must have been typing and posting our response at the same time.


Katherine told Mason to leave the brothers alone and he would’ve but Damon stabbed him for no reason. His reason was that Mason looked suspicious, looked dangerous. That’s the same reasoning many cops use today. Someone might be dangerous so let’s kill them just to be sure. Damon is always shoot first ask questions later and I can’t get on board with that


Not exactly. It's like if Damon saw someone he thought was suspicious then that person attacked his brother and friend proving he is dangerous and then Damon talks to Mason at the bbq and Mason lies to him about how he knows about Damon being a vampire and why Mason is here. Then he decided to stab him. Which may have hurt but the fact is that Damon could have just killed him after that anyways if he wanted to but he didn't. Mason wasn't listening to Katherine. She even says to him "what was that stunt you pulled with the Salvatore brothers I told you to stay away from them." Lol Mason hid the moonstone in a well filled with vervain, I'm sure that wasn't at Katherine's behest either. Damon only made a real effort to kill Mason after he threatened Elena, outed Stefan and Damon to Liz and found out Mason was working with Katherine. Should he have done it? Do you have to like it? Nope. But it wasn't for no reason and Damon does enough stupid shit that he is absolutely entirely to blame for I just disagree that Mason was one of them.


If we’re gonna say everyone who attacks once should be killed then Damon, Stefan, Caroline and Tyler should be killed by those standards. Tyler has attacked several times as a wolf, even has bitten Damon and no one is killing him.


I never said everyone who has attacked someone should be killed. I'm not sure how you got that from what I said but for clarity: You said Damon's reasoning for killing Mason was only due to Mason 'looking suspicious and dangerous' but I'm saying that is not the case here. Mason attacking Stefan gave Damon a legitimate reason to believe Mason was an immediate threat. Not that it would make killing him okay. Anyways, yeah Damon is a shoot first person and I understand why you're not "on board" with that.he is infuriating at times. We will just have to agree to disagree about whether or not this is solely Damon's fault and if he had reasons to kill Mason. .


After reading the comments before watching the reaction, I was expecting some unreasonable hate (I've noticed this a lot lately), but nothing you said was unreasonable.I may disagree with your comments about Mason, but I understand why you think that. I think we can agree to disagree on our perspective of the rights and wrongs of killing Mason. I think Damon had a good reason to attack Mason because Mason tried to kill Stefan and anyone tries to touch Stefan and Damon will kill them. He's an overprotective older brother. Nobody is allowed to hurt Stefan other than him. He made that very clear early in the show. Anyone who has tried to hurt Stefan, Damon has killed. I don't think Mason held a grudge because he found out what Katherine was up to and that she was setting him up to be killed by Klaus. Damon had worked out Katherine was using Mason and that it wasn't going to work out for Mason. Killing Mason was also about stopping Katherine. Killing minions is a common occurrence in this show, and Mason was Katherine's minion. Mason possible realised what she was doing and agreed she had to be stopped, and killing him was possibly the only way. So despite Damon's fake apology, Mason went with it, he wants Klaus dead, so a fake apology is good enough for him. Damon knows he screwed up with Ric, and although it was a strangely worded apology, Ric knew Damon's intentions were sincere, and despite being angry with Damon, I think Ric misses Damon as much as Damon misses Ric. Those 2 are pretty much bonded for life. I think Damon views that ring as a way of being able to punch the wearer without physically hurting them. If he punched Ric, he'd seriously injure him, snapping his neck means Ric comes back without injury. He misjudged Ric's reaction. When a vampire gets their neck snapped, they die and then come back. I think Damon thought the ring worked like that, however, the ring took longer to work last time., which concerned Damon and means that anyone who wears a Gilbert ring is untouchable. Nice to see all of the vamps back. I'm not sure about the Lexi plan, she's clearly experienced in getting Stefan back from falling off the wagon. Last time it took 30 years, so her task isn't an easy one. Clearly that method of breaking through eventually works, but who knows what the actual trigger is. Her mind control is something we've seen before with Damon getting into Stefan's head. Some vampires have extra abilities, Damon can control the weather, animals and get into people's heads. He also has extremely good gut instincts when someone is up to no good. I have a theory about that, but we need to wait a while for me to go into why that might be the case. Katherine can also get into people's heads. The only way Damon can totally take Stefan down is by catching him off guard, and Stefan is now anticipating them to do something so Damon would struggle to take Stefan down. Stefan has been feeding from humans and Damon is drinking from blood bags and I think the fresh blood gives a little bit of an edge. Probably why Damon doesn't do his fog and crow trick any more. I understand Jeremy wanted to say goodbye to Anna, but I'm with Bonnie on this one. The one flaw Caroline has is that she can't keep a secret and has a big mouth that sometimes breaks news to people when it should be coming from someone else. Elena's comments were spot on regarding Jeremy and Ann, plus it made her realise that she was in the same position with Stefan. The reason I don't always hate the vampires when they kill is because they have something inside of them that makes them want to kill, and despite that they try to fight it, and sometimes they fail. It doesn't matter what their motive is to fight it, but the fact that they are trying is good enough for me. They can't fight it without a reason, Caroline has her mum, Stefan had Lexi and now has Elena and so does Damon (although he also has Ric, Liz and Carol to consider too). I view vampirism as an illness, if they have nobody to care about, they lose their humanity, even without flipping the switch. Caring about someone is their medication to keep the urges under control. The longer it takes to find that medication, the longer it takes to work. Caring about someone is the only thing which can control a vampire and stop them from giving in to their nature. However, we need to into a bit more vampire mythology to get to that part. Damon's redemption is to start putting other people first, that's just my opinion. Great reaction, looking forward to the next one. Take care, stay safe, stay healthy. x


I love Damon’s and Alaric’s friendship ❤️