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The Magicians 1x7 full.mp4



I never thought about this ep being all about changing relationships, but it kind of is the underlying theme, now that I consider it, not that this show has themed eps. It’s not Glee. 😆 But yeah, you have Quentin and Alice going from friends to lovers, and I actually do really like them together, but their romantic relationship has some very interesting developments. It’s...interesting. You’ll see. And then Penny and Kady go from being the couple that got together in very first ep, to being on the outs because of Kady’s confessions that she had been using Penny and lying to him, but then they make up and for about five minutes you think they will be okay, but then Kady has to leave the school (Brakebills South) very abruptly without even saying goodbye, and she thinks not taking Penny with her is doing the right thing for him, because he needs to be trained for his own safety. But now Penny feels abandoned and he’s pissed at Kady and doesn’t know if he’ll ever see her again. And then there is Margo and Eliot and their attached-at-the-hip friendship being changed by Eliot getting a boyfriend. Neither of them is used to the other having a significant other. They flirt and date around but don’t really do serious relationships, and now Eliot has found someone and Margo feels like the third wheel. But then she goes off to Ibiza without Eliot when she is not used to doing things without him, and Eliot dives head first into his new relationship and he’s practically in love already. But as you could see at the end of the ep, there is something fishy about Eliot’s new boyfriend.


The only main character not in a relationship that changed this ep was Julia (because all of her relationships have already fallen apart just before this ep), but she’s completely adrift and off to rehab. You can tell if she didn’t have magic at all or the knowledge that magic is real and attainable, she probably would turn to drugs and/or alcohol at this point (in fact she was drinking and smoking pretty heavily to deal with her stress). She has an addictive personality and her family has put a lot of pressure on her and she puts a lot of pressure on herself and becomes obsessed with things. She’s very focused and driven, but that can turn negative with a person like that doesn’t get what they want and their life is falling apart.


I hate that you hate Margo because I LOVE her, she's my absolute favorite character. I understand though that before this you don't see much of Margo's "realness" -- I think in this episode though we do get to experience one very defining part of Margo's personality which is her protectiveness and loyalty to her friends, specifically Elliot. Maybe, I love her because I relate? Lol. I know you've far surpassed this episode by now, so I'm looking forward to seeing if your opinion of her changes at all. I think with a show like this you have to be able to look pass the "asshole" parts of the characters because, to be honest, they're all assholes even Quentin and Alice lol.


Mayakovsky is so funny