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TVD 2x14 full.mp4



Damon is definitely on Elena's list of people not to kill. You missed something Elijah said which is important. "I will kill you when you are no longer of any use to me." Damon's job is to help keep Elena alive, when he is no longer needed for that role, then Elijah will kill him. Elijah told Elena he will keep all of her friends safe, but clearly only while she is alive. Damon and Andi. Now I can comment as you know she's not dead. I hate what he does to her, but at least he doesn't treat her like he did with Caroline, the situation is not comparable. Damon's compulsion is pretty minimal. Andi has her free will and is allowed to say no; and when she does, Damon does as he's told. In a way, she has more free will than Elena does with Stefan. Someone else will do something similar, but I doubt you will see it that way, because nobody picks up on the fact that the person is being compelled into the relationship because it isn't as obvious. Stelena are cute this episode. I agree it is nice that they finally have some real couple time. I don't get why women in this show can't cook. They can't get beyond ordering takeout or getting the guy to cook. I'm all for going against gender stereotypes, but this show goes too far with the cooking issue. Bonnie is only 8 month older than Jeremy, but they're sweet. Jules killed the campers. If the wolves wanted revenge for Mason, there was no reason to target everyone else. Damon admitted he was the one who killed Mason, if it was just about revenge they would have killed Damon, but instead they wanted to kill everyone. It is because vampires and wolves hate each other. Jenna should know what is going on and John is right about a lot of things. You are right, he needs to get over it. But remember he is working with Katherine to get her out of the tomb. So does he see vampires as bad? Or is he trying to protect her? He just has a bad way of showing it. Klaus has been trying to break the curse for hundreds of years without the doppelganger (that was the first time I noticed Luca say that bit about not using the doppelganger). Speaking of doppelganger, did her parents know? Although it is never stated specifically, I suspect they did because John knew about Katherine and so did Isobel. She had the picture of her before Isobel became a vampire and I'm sure John would have seen it as he was the one who told Isobel about vampires. I can't say more about my unconfirmed theory because that would be a spoiler. Your reaction to certain parts of the next episode will be interesting. Great reaction, looking forward to the next one. Stay safe, stay healthy.


Please go into more detail about Andi having more free will than Elena does with Stefan but nothing is clicking for me, Andi's attraction may have initiated as her own but at this point it's due to Damon's compulsion. Not only has Damon taken away her fear, something that would very much put a damper on how she feels for him but then in this episode he goes out of his way to compel her into falling harder for her, and for what? So he can get more info and use her when he needs intimacy that he can't get from Elena. Stefan may have lied about his species when they initially met but Elena never does anything with him that she didn't want to do, Stefan never abuses his power because she's weaker, and she continues that relationship with him once the truth's out on her own terms.


100% agree Nea Barker 😁👍🏽🙌🏽


One of the best moments for me - Elijah owns Damon, hilarious! lol - Damon's arrogance is so strong, but against an Original, He's a child.