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OUAT 1x2 full.mp4


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love this episode so much!!! Thank you very much for another great reaction! I really love both the past storyline with the Evil Queen in the Enchanted Forest, as well as with Regina in Storybrooke. One of my favorite scenes being between the Evil Queen and Rumplestiltskin in his prison when she asks about the curse and it's revealed that she must crush the heart of the thing she loves most. Absolutely phenomenal and the acting between them is top notch. :) Another of my favorite scenes is between Regina and Mr. Gold in the very end by Regina's apple tree. The actors who play them... they're both brilliant and their characters are so powerful and scary. As for how Gold might appear to be awake... from Regina's face of shock upon realizing that he must be, it's clear she never intended for him to be. However, him possibly being aware of the truth, has everything to do with knowing Emma's name, which is why he demanded Snow give him the name of her daughter inside his prison back in the Pilot episode. Her name is the key. :) I really, really love the friction and battle of whits between Regina and Emma too. They also play off of one another very well. I think it was hilarious that Emma cut one of the branches from her apple tree, because Emma sensed the Mayor's threat towards her in the beginning when she came to give Emma a basket of apples. What a brilliant moment between these two strong and amazing women. Next... I really love the scene between the Evil Queen and her father just before she kills him by ripping out his heart with her bare hands. It's so dark and so sad too because you really saw the pain her doing so causes her. And you really come to love Henry Sr. for doing everything he can in trying to convince his daughter to let go of her hate towards Snow White so that they can be happy someplace new together. Seeing her kill him is tragic and heartbreaking. Oh... and I also really love that we find out the Henry is named after her father. Now... I really enjoy this show's portrayal of Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty too. She is really dark and creepy, as well as beautiful too, And I love that her castle is in the Forbidden Fortress. As for her having long blonde hair... she's rarely seen with any hair at all in any story of Sleeping Beauty because she usually wears the black cowl with horns which covers up her hair. The only time outside of Once Upon a Time in which we see her with dark hair is in the movie Maleficent with Angelina Jolie, when she wears her hair down. But I really love the change in her look here in this episode. And lastly... I really love the moments between Emma and Mary Margaret. The moment between them inside Mary Margaret's home is another of my favorite moments within this episode because it's quite beautiful. I love how Mary Margaret helps Emma by bailing her out of jail, tells Emma that she feels like she knows Emma and that she trusts her because she feel like she knows her from somewhere, and then encourages her to stay in town to take care of Henry. There are some really beautiful moments between them in this episode. Thank you so much again! I really enjoyed your reaction for this second episode and I'm so happy you're continuing to love this show. That end scene between Gold and Regina gets everyone so intrigued to watch more. I can't wait for your reaction for the next episode!!! Snow Falls is one of my favorite episodes from this season, so I'm so excited! Until then...


So Regina is aware of the curse in the real world and remembers everything?

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yes she is fully aware. Otherwise... she wouldn't be acting so intimidated by Emma sticking around Storybrooke. That is what the end scene between her and Mr. Gold in the end is speculating, when God asks her to which deal is she referring to... possibly indicating that they've made more than simply one deal between one another. Regina is extremely afraid of Emma sticking around... not just because she's threatening to take Henry away from her, but because she's also afraid of Emma breaking the curse. Plus... in the beginning, Regina strongly confronts Henry about the missing pages from the storybook, then immediately is afraid upon seeing that the clock is working again once it chimes, showing us that she understands time has started moving forward again. If she wasn't aware of her true self and her past and all she's done, then none of this would even phase her, like it doesn't phase anyone else. Plus... she named Henry after her father, which speculates she remembered him and did so to honor his memory in spite of having killed him.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Also... Regina brings Emma the basket full of apples to threaten her as Emma reads from Regina coming to see her, which indicates that she has a connection to using apples in a threatening manner just like the Evil Queen puts Snow White to sleep with a poison apple. Regina is also especially hostile towards Mary Margaret, like the Evil Queen is hostile towards Snow White too. There are a ton of clues to indicate Regina is awake throughout this episode. And I love it!!


Great reaction, a quick note that when the Once Upon A Time title comes up, the background is different for each episode featuring something to do with that specific episode...for example this one was a running horse because the evil queen killed her childhood steed 🐴💔


Yeah I just saw the next episode and thought it looked different. Cool!😄