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TB 3x1 full.mp4


Hazel Angus

Fun thing to let you know - in that scene between Eric and Sookie in the basement, the guy playing Eric didn't bother with anything to cover his... modesty. There are various things on a TV show or film set that can be used to cover the genitals, but Alexander Skarsgard doesn't necessarily use them in his work. He's Swedish - nudity isn't as much of a taboo there. So he was genuinely displaying himself to Anna Paquin in that scene.

Hazel Angus

Oh, and what was Bill waiting for in terms of escaping from the Fuck You Crew? They had silver on him - remember in the first episode of Season 1, the Rattrays immobilised him just by laying a thin cord of silver over his hands and throat. Eric was held down by the same sort of thin cord by the Fellowship of the Sun. Get silver on their flesh and they generally can't move. Bill put the guy's gloves on (the guy complaining about getting vamp blood on them) and then was able to move enough to kill the driver. I can only assume the dude with the gloves was so distracted by his V trip that he didn't notice Bill going after the gloves he'd taken off.


Yes! Excited for more of season 3!


A lot of interesting characters this season I'm excited for you to meet.