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I like how Luke is sucking the life out of Sam's tiddy like it has milk in there. 🙈 Let's pretend they do...??? 😏💦




Good Lordt it's happening and I don't know what to do with myself... 🤯😵 my soul has now passed onto the fields of elysium from the joy this

Cara Thereon

Before I read your comment, I out loud said “right for the tits!” No one could resist that. No. One.


Sam and his power of seduction is sending him into a new tier of enjoyment over them! 😈💕


Elysium fields ahahaaha 🤣💀👼its finally happening, this is not a drill! 😆 Sam is going to eat him up! 🥴


God I wish I were Luke


Same! 🥴 Sometimes I think "are my fantasies outlandish? 🧐" And then I get confirmation that I am not crazy every time I come on here! 👌😤✨

Sola Balisane

My goodness, can you handle all that, Luke? Let us know if you need any help 😹


Oh, he is definitely overwhelmed with Sam 😭 But the b r a v e are rewarded! 😏