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Hello, spooky people! Happy Halloween! Have some pages. :D

Rick is working on more, because there will always be more until this madness... Is... Finished!

Thanks to our continued Patreons and those who are just fans of the comic.

Let us know what you think and donate if you like the blushing bun!

And now a word from our artist:
Okay, this could have taken less time. Big updates now, one large page for FA and DA while Patreon and Discord will have them separated.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how mad is everyone we skipped the shower scene between these 2? I'm not even lying, I have the whole scene sketched out but it got scrapped. Oh well.

Direct all your anger to the nearest comment section.

Now that I'm done stirring the pot, hope you all had a great Halloween.

See you all next update.





Mad a little no shower scene. But maybe flashback or 1 panel memory will help?


Not mad at all. I love the art and story. However, Lupine mentioned a flashback soooooo! Some flashbacks would be nice and don't need to be too graphic in nature. Maybe loveable?