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 The second of our commissions to be released! Sorry for the delay, but Sunderance needed to be finished. We are picking up the pace and another will be released shortly! Thank you all for your support and patience. It means a great deal to us. :)

Story follows:

Good Cop (Dog)

    As days go, it was certainly an interesting one. She had never been a particularly early riser. This made it difficult to draw her fuzzy butt out of bed most mornings, but with the help of a blaring alarm and an annoying shaft of light crossing her muzzle before she’d even opened her eyes, she managed it. On time, too. And considered that it was the big day of her promotion to Sergeant, getting to the ZPD on time was important. So, after a quick breakfast, a few (four) dozen brush strokes through her mid-length fur, and a check to ensure that her uniform was spotless she whistled her way into the city.

    And upon leaving her apartment building, she was assaulted by the flashing red and blue of police lights, the murmur of more than a dozen voices, and the sight of a similarly uniformed hippo talking notes as an angry antelope yelled.

    “It was a caracal!” she yelled, her hooves waving in an almost comedically animated fashion as she tried to see what the hippo, Officer Higgins she believed, was writing. “One of those smallish predators. Do I have to describe him again? He ran off with my purse!”

    Rolling her eyes slightly at the fact that the antelope believed that Officer Higgins of all people was going to engage in a foot chase with a small and doubtless agile feline, the canine officer turned her eyes around the street for a moment.

I really should get to work.

    Her nose twitched as she caught the faint but still fresh scent of feline. Trying not to make it too obvious, she wandered away from the patrol car, towards a side street where the shadows were thick.

It’s promotion day!

    But oh, the thrill of the chase! Not that it was a particularly long chase. She bolted into the ally, letting out a loud bark that startled the hidden criminal out of the shadows with a yelp. Too startled to get a good start, she easily overtook and tackled him to the ground, causing the purse to spill out of his paws and its contents onto the sidewalk. Which had her nose twitching again when she saw the tiny bag of brownish crystals inside. Rolling her eyes slightly as she straddled the struggling caracal’s back, she quickly cuffed him while reciting his rights.

    Leading him back out of the alley with the purse and mugger in tow, she waved down Higgins. “Hey, did you lose something, big guy?” she called, the circumflex accent that she had never been able to dampen showing as she marched over with her tail wagging behind her. She lowered her voice when he reached them, yanking the perp back into place when he tried to squirm away again. “Drugs in the purse. No wonder she was in such a hurry to get them back. A little stupid of her to call the ZPD.”

    “Two busts and you aren’t even on duty,” he murmured back, taking the purse carefully between two stubby fingers. “You do know that even if there are drugs in here it will be almost impossible to make the charges stick.”

    “I know,” she said, leading the feline towards the squad car. She glanced over her shoulder, sticking her tongue out at her fellow officer as a grin spread over her muzzle. “But it’s fun to arrest the stupid.”




Thank a lot guys <3 she's perfect